Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blessings All Around Us

God really knew what he was doing when he gave us our children when we are young! Today we watched our Granddaughter for about 6 hours. I took her with me while I went walking with my Mom - so she got to spend some time with her Great-Grandmother - that was great. And then I fed her - her lunch and gave her a few Cheerios to eat while I cleaned things up. She seemed like she was tired but she played and played and had NO intentions of going to sleep. It was great to be able to spend time with her.
I finally got a package sent out today. Next year I really need to get things together and get things sent out earlier - it would save the time waiting in line - when you wait till a few days before Christmas.
I am dealing a lot better with the whole situation about my job- well the job I used to have. As I have thought about it - she has done me a favor - this way I don't have to be around the cigarette smoke except around the holidays when we go to her house. It really would have been easier to deal with it all if I had thought that she had appreciated all of my hard work. But you can not make people appreciate you.
I have one more trip to the store to get some last minute things for our Christmas Dinner. We bought a smoked Turkey about Thanksgiving time and did not get a chance to cook it up - due to my busy schedule around Thanksgiving. So now we will have a nice Christmas Dinner - without having to spend a lot of money on it(since I spent the money for the turkey a while back.) And we will have the chance to actually enjoy the dinner and the getting ready for it. There are so many blessings in my life and I need to be more appreciative of all of them. I think there are times that Satan tries so hard to have us focus on the negatives in our lives on the injustice and if we do - We miss out on ALL of the blessings that we have around us every single day. :o)
*Above is a photo of our Granddaughter with her new hat - that says - Camo Princess. She is such a doll.


  1. She IS a doll!

    I LOVE being a grandma.

  2. I agree with you totally on having more energy for kids when young! I see a big difference in myself between when I had Austin and then Alison! Though one thing I will say with having a child when you are older is that you have a better perspective on the whole thing. You realize how short the little baby stage is, and how fast they grow up! You also know how unimportant most of the things that stressed you out with your first child really are! Well, that's how it was for me with eleven years between them, anyway! Glad you are being able to enjoy Christmas now!

  3. What a cutie she is! I need to work on getting items in the mail earlier myself. I don't know why I thought I had more time..I start to feel the stress when I procrastinate...Sounds like you will have a wonderful Christmas meal..

  4. Ahh! Precious baby. So glad you can be close to your grandbaby in these first years of life. Creating that bond is a blessing.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....