Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enjoying Your Blessings

In about 1997, I was working for my MIL at the bakery. At that time instead of a grill - she made donuts. About this same time period Star Telegram started doing a promotional - trying to sell more papers. So basically the idea was that the businesses that had the highest increase in business would win a really cool prize. A trip to Disney World - for 4 people - 3 nights. It was a great prize to win. Well at this same time the local school had an assignment for the kids which required them to use lots of newspapers for the project. And my MIL bought what ever papers were left over - since they used them for clean up with the donut equipment. I don't remember really hearing much about this contest. Until one day when I was at work my MIL said how would you like to go to Disney World? I answered that it would be nice but that I did not see that ever happening. At that point we were pretty poor and I knew that we could not afford a vacation away - anywhere. Well guess what? She had won the trip!!!

My MIL and her husband and her other grandson would drive to Florida - to visit my FIL's family and then they would meet up with us at Disney World. How exciting!!! We ended up going the last week of July - the only time our schedule would allow. We had a great time- long lines and it was pretty warm but it was a chance of a lifetime for my boys.

What is so sad is that I had the hardest time telling people about us going. Why? I guess I was embarrassed - like for some reason because we were poor - we did not deserve to go. How sad is that?.. I find myself dealing with something a little similar now.

Since I have been "laid" off - I guess I am feeling a little guilty for not working. Isn't that sad? Every other time that I did not officially work - I had children to take care of or homeschool. Now my kids are grown and I am not working - officially anyway and it is just hard to get used t00. I have a lot of things around here to do - to get this place more organized and in better shape.

I just think it is sad that the society 0r something has made me feel pressure to work. And that being at my home taking care of my family is not worthy enough of a "job." I am thankful that I have had these couple of weeks. For the first time in a long time I had time to focus more on my family and on the reason for the season. And during that time I regretted spending so many year working at the bakery and neglecting my family. Not having the time or energy to make the holidays as special as I could have done. But I realize what is past - is the past and there is Nothing I can do about that. But I can look to the future and I can learn to better prioritize my life. Put what is important at the top and drop things that are not as important to lower place on my list. And I am going to be thankful to God for the blessing of being a stay at home wife(as long as He choose that fo me.) :O)

So I am wondering - if any of you feel the way I do? :O)


  1. I think that for myself I have thought that I didn't deserve good things in my life due to old sin nature and plenty of wrong choices. It is a matter of renewing of the mind. (mine)I still have to work on really comprehending who I am in Christ..I have often felt that I didn't measure up and I have overcome that, but others will sometimes make me feel that way or I think they think that..Lol! complicated...I am thankful that God knows my heart.

  2. I feel that way.
    Mostly, I am not bothered by what other people think.
    But there are days...

  3. I do understand completely, because people would often ask me when I was going to put Austin in school and stop homeschooling. (Implying when was I going to "get a job"!) When I had Alison, I couldn't help thinking that at least now I had an "excuse" to be at home! Truely, our society does not value homemakers any longer. Whenever we do taxes, I always put "homemaker" in my profession spot, because that IS my profession! Guess that's my subtle way of telling our government that homemaking is a real job! By the way, my husband would say that you and I are a "kept woman", and that we should enjoy it! :) Truely, it IS a blessing to be able to stay home, and you are still a homemaker even if your children are grown! You are making a home for yourself, your husband, and for your kids to come back to as well as for your granddaughter! You are the glue that holds your family together!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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