Wednesday, March 30, 2022

"His Cross and Mine" series #5

  "His Cross and Mine" 


Meade MacGuire 

Speaking of Revelation 1:17: 

"Then comes the description of His personal appearance in glory so overwhelming that the beloved disciple "fell at His feet as dead." How startling and how comforting are the next words! Jesus, the King of glory, stooped to lay His right hand upon John, and reminded him of the cross. "Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth and was dead." It is as if He had said, Fear not John, though you hardly recognize Me clothed with divine glory and majesty, I am the same Jesus on whose bosom you reclined, the one who hung upon the cross, and who gave His life for sinners. Now I am alive forevermore, and have the keys of hell and of death." 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My Attempt at Making Ezekiel Bread

“Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it."
Ezekiel 4:9

Have you ever hear of Ezekiel bread? Well one day while I was watching a Youtube video a lady made some Ezekiel bread using the recipe in this books:

To be honest I had been intimidated to made this bread. It seemed too complicated. But this books make it much easier to make than what I thought it would be. 

It is a great recipe. It has a recipe to of 4 grains and 4 different beans that you mix together and then put through your flour mill. You can smell the beans being found up. Here is a photo of what all the grains and beans looked like. This mixture of things made 8 1/2 cups of flour and I used it all in the recipe. 
The bread dough ends up being a batter bread that is poured into the bread pans. 
You don't want to fill up the pans too full - because the bread will rise and it is best to keep it at least 1/4 of an inch from the top of the pan - if you let it rise any more than that it could overflow. 
I was very happy with the results. One thing I learned from this first attempt at making Ezekiel bread is that I will probably grease the bread pans with shortening from now on. I just sprayed Pam and it was a little touch and go for a bit on getting the bread out of the pans -but thankfully only one of them stuck a bit on the bottom but not so bad I can't enjoy the loaf. I am very happy with the results! I am happy I finally tried it out. 

When I was measuring the ingredients out for the flour - I measured out stuff for an extra batch of grains and beans- and put them in a jar. Next time I want to make this bread it will be SO much faster with out having to measure all that stuff out - 8 things. Next time I have to measure stuff out - I plan on doing more batches so that I can always easily make up this bread. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

What Inspired Me to Grow Onions from Seeds

So I was doing some research to see what I needed to do to plant my onions slips- and in doing so - was inspired by Rusted Gardener to grow my own onions from seed - but it it too late for me this year - since you need to start them indoors 10-12 weeks before you plan on planting them. This is the video that inspired me - I wanted to share it to inspire you as well :0) 

He has plenty of other great gardening videos :O) 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Best Deal

 Between an old discarded lap top that my son had and my husband buying a new hard drive and memory for it, I now have a new to me laptop.  This week when I was at my favorite little thrift store- I found this Solo computer bag. It is a bit beat up with a few marks here and there but other than that it is very good shape. And for $2.00 I could not pass it up. 

It fits my "new" laptop perfectly and I love it. 

I looked it up and I believe that this is it: 
So I think I got a very good deal!!! :O) 


Friday, March 25, 2022

Freebie Friday


So last week when I went to my favorite little thrift store - they had a box of books that was marked 
"Free" - I was so excited when I saw these great books! I had just found out the week before that someone has been working on creating a free library at my church and I was so excited to think that I could contribute some books. When I got home - I figure out why they put these books that looked to be new and had the authors signature where in the free box... Someone had put some business cards in the books - and apparently they had a strip of sticky tape on one side of each card and so on one page in each of the books - is a section with the words missing - because when you pull the cards out - it pulled some of each page with it - probably only about a section of 2 lines are missing - so I will be taking the books to the man that is setting up the library and ask him if he would still like them in the library or not. I still feel they will be an asset- but since there is some damage - I need to at least let him know about that before donating the books. 

Anyway - This is my freebie Friday and I am still very happy with it - even thought they are not in mint condition. I wish the person who put those cards in each book - would have realized what damage it would do to the books.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Cute Gardening Project

Today I wanted to share a cute little project I did for my garden last week. It all started when I found these great quart sized paint stirrers: 

Then I used some of the acrylic paints I had on hand. 
And I picked out colors that I thought would be great around my garden.  
I gave them 2 coats of paint and let them dry. 
Once dry I wrote names of different plants I planned on growing for my garden. 
And then I had a spray sealer that I had gotten to spray over the paintings I have done. I am sure that some Mod Podge would work as well.

So many great bright colors I had on hand. And sometimes I would mix 2 paints together to get a bit different color. I enjoyed this project! 
And the best part is that I found the sticks for 98 cents at Lowes! 

Sadly when I went back for a second package - they were out so we had to get them from Home Depot - price there was higher - at $1/48. That is one reason it is best to compare shop. That is why I love having a smart phone because you can look up the stores website and search for the product you are looking for and see the price. 

Anyway I hope you enjoyed my little garden project. I have another one coming up. I just need to get it done so I can post about it. 

And there is a really neat project that I will need my husbands help with - so I will have to wait till he is able to help me with that one. I can't wait to share about it. I also plan to share the youtube video that gave me the idea. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"His Cross and Mine" series post #4

 "His Cross and Mine" 


Meade MacGuire 

 "As we study the word of God to obtain a fuller knowledge of the person of Jesus, the inspired writers are ever pointing us to the cross. Thus we come to understand that, "to be rightly understood and appreciated, every truth in the word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the light that streams from the cross of Calvary." 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sometimes it is just best to trash it

This photo taught me a great lesson. 

Several weeks ago I went to a Paint with a Twist type thing. I was all set to have a nice time. I had been to several other events like this that were held at a another church I attended a couple of years ago. But this time something happened that made me feel judged and like I wasn't doing a good enough job on painting this picture. I had never said I was any good at painting - I had gone to have fun trying to create something beautiful- knowing full well my limitations having to do with painting. 

After I got home with my painting I put it in my sewing room where I could see it quite often. The first few days I worked through my hurt feeling and frustration that those involved with hurting my feelings felt that they needed to involve themselves in my painting that day...I hadn't seen anyone else having their work critiqued...

 I would walk into my sewing room and see this painting and my first thoughts were not pleasant ones and one day I thought  - you know what - this photo is only bring up negative feelings and it isn't good for me - I would rather throw it away then continue to feel those negative thoughts. I picked it up and punched at the middle of the painting - I was surprised at the sturdiness of the canvas. I then put it into the trash can. A couple of days later when it was time to gather trash and get it to the garbage can - as I threw the painting I thought you know what it is a great idea to get rid of those things can bring up bad, sad memories. How many times do we hold onto things that pull us down? Things that steal our joy? We need to release those things...let them go.... Just like throwing this painting way helped me release some negative feelings - so will letting our hurts and those negative thoughts. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

A Better Video on Growing Carrots

A week or two ago I shared a video on growing carrots. Well it was helpful but I think this video is superior to it. This video gives SO much more valuable information! Worth the time to watch if you have struggled at all with growing carrots. :O) 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Hi :O)

 I am SO sorry I have been missing in action- well just not able to get as many of the posts ready and set to publish as I would like. I have taken photos of some of the projects I am working on and hope to have time to get these posted soon. 

I have a few things set up to share over the next week - and on Monday I have another awesome video on growing carrots - and this video will be SO much more helpful than the last one- and good news - you won't need a board to grow the carrots. This video will show the way that I plan to grow my carrots this year and I am hoping for a great harvest!! 

I hope things are going well for everyone of you and may God bless you! :O) 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

"His Cross and Mine" series post #3

  "His Cross and Mine" 


Meade MacGuire 

"One of the great secrets of the fascination of the Bible is that it is all written with the purpose of revealing to humanity a glorious person." 

"We are but finite creatures, and can never fully comprehend His greatness; but as we search His word reverently and prayerfully, the Holy Spirit reveals to us more and more of the inexhaustible riches of His grace, God is love. We have no true knowledge of God unless our supreme thought of Him is that He is a God of love." 

"God manifested His infinite love in the gift of His only begotten Son to a race of sinners. The supreme revelation of that divine love which withheld not its all, but freely gave Him for our ransom, is the cross." 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Great Tips for Growing Onions

Have you ever tried to grow onions and didn't have very much success? Yeah.... me too. :( 
But after watching this video I have more hope that maybe by following these tips I will have more success. Sharing this here - just in case you too need some help in this area. Enjoy! :O) 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Freebie Friday

 So today I have a freebie Friday of something that we have been able to get for a couple of years- but I guess we kind of took for granted. And it became very apparent when we found out that this would be the last year to be able to get it that made it apparent of how much we appreciated it but had not appreciated it as much as we should have. 

So what is it? Firewood! 

My husband's uncle owned a pallet business and we would be able to get the scraps for firewood. 

One reason I have not been able to get very many posts up this week - is because I spent A LOT of time working with this firewood. So we had the wood rack in one place- but ordered a new rack and so we had to move this one- so I had already gotten the 4 stacks of thin wood on this rack - when we realized it needed to be moved. So I had to remove all the wood and move rack and reload it. Well where we had put the rack - would have blocked my view from my desk in my room - so after moving the rack there and loading it with the thin wood and a couple of rows of the 4x4 wood - I decided that I wanted to move it again - so again - I had to remove all the wood and move rack and then reload it - and then I got the rest of the wood out of the truck bed. This is the finished job. We will be going to get a little more wood to fill it on up. It really has been a blessing. 

We all need to pay attention to the blessings in our lives that we take for granted and take a little time to thank God for these blessings. So I am thankful for this firewood - especially today because it has been in the 30's all day long with spells of wintery mix. Nothing sticking and serious though- thankfully. But no worries because we have fabulous spring weather on its way!!! :O) 

Please ignore the mess in the background - I had to move a few things to put the rack here - and was too tired to organize the other stuff - so that will be something that goes on my list of things to do soon - hopefully :O) 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"His Cross and Mine" series post #2

 "His Cross and Mine" 


Meade MacGuire 

This book has a copyright of 1927! 

I have been so blessed by this little book. When I say little I mean it only has 122 pages. But each page is filled with so much depth. 

"The only way I can truly acknowledge Jesus as my Saviour is by taking up my cross. Thus I acknowledge my own guilt and condemnation. Thus I show my faith in His atoning sacrifice. Thus I demonstrate my confidence in the efficiency of His death to purchase life for me. Thus I enter into a living union with Christ, which provides emancipation from the dominion of sin, and secures to me the righteousness of Christ."♡

Monday, March 7, 2022

Help With Growing Carrots

"How to Sow Carrots Seeds (The simple trick to good germination every time) Gardening Tip"

So this used to be a favorite youtube gardening channel - until they moved and now they have all sorts of videos about things that I have no need to learn. But I wanted to share this video because I think it is a great idea for anyone struggling to grow carrots. Enjoy! :O) 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Freebie Friday

So a couple of months ago I found this heart hanger in the freebie box at the thrift store. It was attached to a beat up, buttons missing Christmas themed quilted thing. It had clearly seen better days. It was something that had been cute back in the day. Well I picked it up and brought it home. I pulled the buttons still attached to it off to save. I love buttons. Anyway so this week I made up little hanger slips of fabric and sewed it onto this and anther one of the little quilted banners that I have made. 

It is great to have because when I change out my quilted banners that I have made - "Joy"  "Love" and this one "Hope" it would leave all sorts of hole in the wall. But now I have one nail in the wall and can change out the banner without any more damage to the wall. Now I am trying to think of another banner to make so I can have more options of changing it out throughout the year. Any ideas?  


Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Helpful Resource

 Living on a Dime has a great free recourse if you would like help with how to built a stockpile on just $5 a week. It looks like there are recipes in the book as well. All you have to do is click HERE it will take you to the page - if you scroll down it will give you a place to add your name and email - and the book will be emailed to you. I am sharing this because I think it is a good idea for us all to have some extra food on hand. And this is a great resource and I had tried to find this resource and I was having a hard time -but was able to go to there Youtube page and find a link there. There are a lot of great resources on the blog and on youtube. So maybe take a little look when you have a little free time. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

"His Cross and Mine" series post #1

 Recently I found an excellent book at my favorite little thrift store! 

"His Cross and Mine" 


Meade MacGuire 

This book has a copyright of 1927! 

I have been so blessed by this little book. When I say little I mean it only has 122 pages. But each page is filled with so much depth. 

I have been so blessed - I decided that I want to share a little bit of this book - the portions that really stand out to me each week. I am hoping that these posts will bless you as well. 

Today's post will be the very first sentence of the very first chapter:

"All the grace which Jesus the saving one gives, is given only in the path of fellowship with Jesus the crucified one."

I love how powerful just this one sentence is! Be sure and come back next week when I share another powerful quote from this awesome book! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Something to warm you up

Over the last several years I have really gotten into drinking hot teas. It took a bit but I have found some that I really enjoy the flavors of - with nothing needing to be added. I just use these small cups so the tea is stronger in its flavor and not watered down. And the cool thing is that one tea pouch can usually be used at least 2x with a good amount of flavor - helping the tea last longer. 

Today I thought I was share several of my favorite teas: 

Oh and another one I really like is Raspberry Hibiscus I believe.

On some of my tea bags there are little messages. Some of them are really out there and kind of weird but sometimes there is some good advice - like this one below. I will type it out just in case you are not able to bring it up to read it: 

"Let your energy be used to build, not destroy."  

There is enough hatefulness and meanness in the world - we need to use our words to encourage those around us and to bless them. 

 And one more bit of good advice was floating around Facebook last week: 

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)