Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Add to the stash for not a lot of money

A week or so ago, I posted about how to build your fabric stash without spending a lot of money.
I have recently realized that one of the thrift stores that I go to has fabric that is donated to it. And sometimes the fabric is quilting quality- 100% cotton and just good quality fabric.
This week I went by said thrift store and found this gorgeous piece of fabric- 3/4 of a yard for $1.00! What a deal! It has little sparkles in the fabric as well. This photo doesn't do the fabric justice.
Now I wanted to share another great resource to add fabric to your stash costing hardly anything at all. Monday night I went to my Quilt Guild meeting. They have a back table where fellow quilters bring quilting stuff that they no longer want for anyone to get....for free! What an awesome deal on fabric. I found these two great pieces of fabric - 3/4 yard on one and 1 yard on the other- with no money out of pocket - other than my membership fees each year. But as my MIL explained - even that 30.00 is a bargain when you consider that there are 11 meetings a year - costing me less than 3.00 a meeting. These meetings are 2-3 hours long. Each month volunteers members bring food to create a meal for us to eat before our meeting. Each member is asked to bring food at least one time through the year. The rest of the year - you go and eat a great meal without any hassle at all. There is  the opportunity to meet like minded people and make new friends. They usually have several door prizes each meeting. Show and tell - lots of beautiful quilts to see. This is a great way to get inspiration. And it encourages me to get busy working on my own projects. Then there is sometime of a program that provides learning opportunities and laughs. So when you take all of this in to consideration - plus more that I probably left out - it really is an awesome deal. So this time I was able to add two pieces of fabric to my stash just by going to my quilt guild meeting.
I was reminded last week that Walmart used to sell the remnants of fabric from a bolt for a good deal. The next time I make it to Walmart I am going to go see if they still do this - I want to see if that would be a good way to add fabric to my stash.
If you have JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby in your area- they could be great places to get great deals on fabric - Hobby Lobby usually has a 40% off coupon online that you can use for one item - why not use it for a great piece of fabric every now and then? JoAnn's has coupons in the newspaper - and might also do one on line - I am not sure. The nearest JoAnn's from me is probably about a 25 minute drive or so - I don't go there very often to be honest.
So there are many great resources of places to find fabric to add to your stash- if you are trying to built it of course. But let me tell you this - when I am watching a show and tell at quilt guild or at my Block of the Month meetings- I am happily surprised at how great many quilts turn out when people say they just used their scraps. Having a stash allows them to do this!

If you have any great ideas on how to add to the stash for not a lot of money - please share. Thanks :O)


  1. Oh top ones is beautiful ,and others are so so adorable..

  2. How fun to add to your collection for free! You mentioned JoAnn coupons--they even have them in their app, which is a great way to find the deals. You're inspiring me to keep pressing ahead on my quilting projects!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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