Saturday, February 3, 2018

Beloved Names of God ....series "Author and Finisher of Our Faith"

Author and Finisher of Our Faith

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
  • Name of God the Son
  • Jesus is referred to as the "author and finisher of our faith" once in the KJV,
  • As Author and Finisher, Jesus is the creator, fulfiller, and the very last word on Christianity.
  • The author of Hebrews urged his listeners to be good examples because many were watching them. He urged them to turn from temptation, knowing that the prize waiting for them was an eternity in heaven in the company of a faithful Savior.
Jesus Christ came telling parables, or stories. Like most stories, they had beginnings, middles and ends- but they often left people feeling unsatisfied and confused. Likewise, his life was the story of the creation of Christianity. It had a wonderful beginning, a little-known middle, and a glorious end- and millions of people have asked, "What was it all about?" since then.

As God the Father, He authored His story at the beginning of time. As the Son, He brought it to a conclusion and He told us "whodunit." But, just like those puzzling parables seemed to have more to them, He had more to offer after His death and resurrection. He promised us a sequel. The Sequel would be like no other story ever told; it will have a beginning, it might have a middle- but it will never, ever end!
Next week we will look at "Firstfruits"

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