Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Thankful, Great Deal and a Puzzle

As I am writing, a rain shower is moving through. There is a chance of thunderstorms and maybe even severe weather. But I am not going to be complaining. I am going to share with you that I was able to get out and get a walk on Sabbath, Sunday, and Monday! The sunshine felt SO very good! And in fact, as I walked I noticed that the clover was very happy to see the sun as well. If you were to take a photo of a clover patch- you would easily be able to tell which direction the sun was shining from because the clover was reaching for the sunshine. I have to say that I am so happy to have been able to get out and walk. Walking is good for the soul, as is the sunshine and fresh air that you get as a result from being out in nature walking. Just being out in nature is so good for your soul. I am so thankful that we had a few days that had some sunshine interspersed during the day.

As last week-ended and I finished up adding all of my things to do for the upcoming week(this week) I noticed that this week would be very busy with an appointment for me or my MIL each and every day of the week. But my MIL ended up coming down with flu -B. So Monday I spent some time on the phone rescheduling appointments.

I was able to get my hair cut - after 7 weeks - which seemed like a long time. My hair is back to where I love it! I have loved it for a while but I just seem to appreciate it more and more. I am so thankful to have my hair back. While I was out and about I was able to stop by a couple thrift stores. I am happy to say that I found a nwot pair of St. John's Bay jeans for me - $8.00 - They are SO comfortable - they will be favorites for sure! I am thankful when God brings these great deals to my attention. I also was able to add to my stash and will have a blog post tomorrow about that- along with another several more ideas of where to find good deals for adding to a stash of fabric.

Last week end I found the prettiest 500 piece puzzle for 50 cents. There are no guarantees that all the pieces are there but it was so pretty I could not pass it up. Plus I have been wanting to have a puzzle to work on - but didn't want a huge puzzle to do. We have 5 cats -so I have to cover the puzzle when I am not working on it and that can be a pain if the puzzle is large.
See what I mean~ It's beautiful! I look forward to little bits of time here and there that I am able to work on my puzzle.
Hope you all are doing well. :O)  

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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