Monday, February 5, 2018

What You Can Expect to See

The schedule that I have found works best for me is to have my quiet time first and then shortly afterwards to take time to exercise. Because I spend the 30 minutes or so exercise in the morning - then my shower and breakfast afterwards - sometimes I feel like I could be getting lots of more important things done if I would skip the exercising and do it later. The only problem is that when I don't do it in the morning - many times I find too many things coming at me during the day and not ever getting the time to exercise. So it really is best for me to do it earlier in the day. Then later in the day if I get a chance I can always add more exercise in - which is always a good thing!

Putting God first and then choosing to take care of my physical body by exercising, I get myself in better shape to handle what ever comes my way during the day. Sometimes I don't get everything done that I would like to get done. But each day I write out my list and I work towards getting as much done as I can and that is all I can do. If I don't accomplish all of my goals for the day - I can add those things to the next day.

These are just a few things I have been thinking about lately and just wanted to share.

I will be busy this morning volunteering. I also have a bill that I need to get paid and then a few other jobs around the house I need to take care of. I have several posts I would like to write this week:
"Refurbished" "Frugally Building a Stash" "Money Well Spent" just to name a few! And of course I will have at least one post about "Grace" ~ Speaking of Grace - I am amazed at how often I just happen to see the topic of Grace. I started a new book and the 3rd chapter in the book is called "Theater of Grace" Will probably do a post about that since this is very important for us to know what the Theater of Grace should be.

Well I better close. Hope everyone had a good week end!

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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