Thursday, February 8, 2018

Frugally Building a Stash

Yesterday we found out our granddaughter has strep throat. I have been feeling worn down the last several days. I figure I am trying to get sick. At the same time I am doing what ever I can to take care of myself and work towards better health. So far I am holding steady. Not at 100% but at least not going down hill.
Today I wanted to share with you a great way to build your stash frugally. I stumbled upon this method recently and so very glad I did. And truth be told this method may not work for everyone. Plus this method is not fool proof.
So a couple of weeks ago, I was looking around one of the thrift shops near where my Quilting Store is. And I found piece of fabric folded up and taped with a price of about 50 cents written on it. I thought for 50 cents it would be worth me buying it to see if it would be good quality fabric or not.
This is where this method could get tricky - not all fabric is of good quality and good to use to make quilts. So you need to get a feel for good quality fabric. And when the fabric is all folded up and taped in that position it is hard to see if there is any information about the fabric on the fabric. Many times on the edge of the fabric is the name of the company that produced the fabric and then they also have the name of the fabric line. These details can be very helpful to know what quality the fabric is. Utilize this when possible.
When I got home and opened up the piece of fabric I found a great quality piece of fabric! The next time I went to the store, I decided to look in the same area to see if I could find some more good quality fabric. They have fabric there many of the times that I go to this store- not all of the fabric is the quality of fabric I am looking for, so I have to be selective when looking.
This is the batch of fabrics I found last week:
The two fabrics with the cream back grounds were 1/2 yard pieces of fabric - for $1.00 a piece I thought it was a bargain.  The blue and beige fabric and the birdhouses fabric were 1 yard pieces  - for $1.50 per piece I was happy to add these to my stash.

This 3/4 of a yard piece of fabric was found at a different thrift store- for only a quarter - I could not pass it up. Sad thing is that there is not much fabric that goes through this store- but I will certainly keep an eye out for more good quality fabric!
Oh and for those of you that may not know- when you buy good quality fabrics at quilting stores you will probably pay about 10.00- 12.00 dollars a yard - give or take a little. You can find some fabrics at other type stores for less money - and some may be good quality to use making quilts - you just have to really pay attention to quality. 

So when you realize that the price of quality quilting fabric is quite high - it really shows what a good deal I got on my fabric. And also why I have found it important to have these other place to shop to add to my fabric stash. I don't have a lot of money to put towards fabrics. And it is so fun to find great fabric at great prices!!

I hope you are lucky enough to have some stores in your area that have good quality fabric that come through - so you too can add to your stash for very little money! :O)


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