Thursday, March 1, 2018

Living with No Regrets

Regrets... They can cause a lot of unneeded stress. Instead of just staying in the discouragement of regret, why not choose to make the changes today that you wish you had made. To be honest, there may be things in your life you really can change at this point. But God will give you the wisdom to know what you are able to change. That is where the serenity prayer comes in.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
(By the way - while looking for this section of the serenity prayer - to save myself from typing it all out and saving myself a bit of time - I found a great article about the serenity prayer - I wanted to share a link just in case any of you are interested in it. It is called "Serenity Prayer – Applying 3 Truths from the Bible" This article is on the website. )
Earlier this week while I was at a nearby park walking, I saw a mother pushing her baby in a stroller as she walked along. I couldn't help but think to myself how I wish I had have had a great park nearby when my kiddos were young - and that I had have went walking with them. I walked some with them in the stroller- but I didn't really get into the trying to exercise for my health at that point in my life. And I think back at how it would have been such a great thing to have gotten more into taking care of myself. It might have prevented me having to go through the losing weight and gaining it back and having to lose it again rollercoaster. Wouldn't that be great? And I think back them I was smaller than I was at my heaviest - which was in July of 2016- when I started on the journey I am now - of losing 50 pounds by the time I turn 50. I could have avoided having to get as heavy as I was. But reality is that I did get to that point. I did hit that high in my weight. But the reality is also I don't have to stay there. I can choose to make choices today that will lead me to my goal. Even it is at a much slower rate than I would prefer. 
If you don't want to find yourself a year from now regretting not making positive changes in your life, then today is the day to start making those changes. Be patient with yourself. Changes take time. And the healthier long term goals - are usually best done in a slower long term process.
No more regrets - what is in the past is the past and we need to forgive ourselves of those mistakes we made. God does. So let us look forward. What can we do to work towards our goals today, so that tomorrow we don't have any regrets?
Something I saw on facebook - how true is this? I look back at photos of myself when for some unknown reason I thought I was fat. But I was not. Which leads me to another thing I would like to point out - there are many women and maybe even men- who for some reason think they are fat, when in reality they are not. Don't allow the unrealistic expectation of the media and those around you make you feel like you are fat. We don't all fit into the box of averages. If I were to look at the charts of what a person my height should weigh - I would look anorexic if I were at that weight. And that number will never be the goal I have for myself and I am perfectly fine with that.

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