Tuesday, March 27, 2018

God's Response

Today I would like to share a small portion from this amazing book that I am reading. Searching for the God of Grace by Stuart Tyner. I have been extremely blessed by this book and have little sections here and the marked that I really want to share with you all. I hope that what I share blesses you. I realize that to receive the entire blessing - one would need to actually read the whole book - so if you get a chance to read this book - I highly recommend it.
Have you ever messed up, and then messed up again, and well messed up yet again? Many of us find ourselves in this exact situation - where we just keep messing up. But there is hope! It's God's grace.
What I am sharing today is a perfect example of God's grace and His response when we mess up.

"Esau was angry with Jacob again. And with reason. Again. (See Genesis 27:45.)

After mother's favorite son (Gen. 25:28) had manipulated Esau into giving up his birthright (verse 33); after he had stolen Esau's blessing (27:35); after all the lying and deceit, Esau's grudge was so bitter, so deeply founded, that he began to make plan to kill his brother (verse 34,41).

Mother steps in again and gets Jacob out of harm's way by sending him to Uncle Laban (verse 43) Jacob runs out of the house, heads north (28:10), and keeps running until he gets all the way to the place we know as Bethel (verse 19),. Shortly after sunset, Jacob lies down on the ground, props his head on a rock, and goes to sleep (verse 11). IN the middle of the night, Jacob dreams about God. Surely God was as angry with Jacob as Esau was. The characteristics of God's government - as well as His expectations for His children - include fairness and courage and honesty. So, how will He treat a manipulative, cowardly deceiver? Listen to His words: " 'I am the LORD...I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying...I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.' "(verses 13,15, emphasis supplies). "

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