Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ordering Baby Chicks is not for the faint of heart

The last few days have been a bit stressful for me. Last night when the anxiety raised its ugly head - I decided to work on my block of the month. Quilting is therapeutic. This is the beautiful block that I made!
This morning my husband and I got up early because we had a feeling that the chicks would arrive at the post office first thing in the morning - sure enough a phone call at 6:25am confirmed that the chicks were there and ready to be picked up. My husband went to get them as I prepared things here at home.
Here is the little box they arrived in.
It was very obvious that one of the chicks was not in very good shape. She was tiny- she seemed to be half the size of the other chicks hence my husband named her Little One. We did what we could to help her survive but a couple of hours later I found her dead. :O(  
You might not think that you would bond that quickly with these chicks, but you do. It hurts. I hate to see them suffer. Another sad situation - we have a chick that seems to be blind. We have worked with it as well. It is still alive as I write this blog post but I am afraid she won't last long because she doesn't seem to be going to the food and water. We have offered her water and put food in front of her. I just don't know if she will make it. And it, too, breaks my heart. The rest of them seem to be doing well.
Having baby chicks calls for frequent checks on them to make sure the temperature is correct. The thermometer that I have is very hard to read- I am thinking I will have to try to get a bigger one - one of the round ones. It will make it easier to read. Mostly you go by how the chicks are acting, but I sure to appreciate being able to check the temp and make sure that it is where it needs to be - about 95 degrees this first week.
Please pray for our little blind girl. Thanks  - I will update when I can. I will be busy the next few days. As I will have my granddaughter tomorrow. And taking care of these chicks is like a full time job.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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