Thursday, March 29, 2018

Still Waiting

Tuesday evening our baby chicks began their journey to their new home -here at my home! The place I call chicken heaven. Why you ask? Because here there is no fear of being raised to eat. Nope. I have been a bit of a nervous wreck worrying if we would be ready for them when they get here. And hoping and praying that they arrive while my husband is here to help with the big job of processing them from the box they arrive in to caring for them and placing them in their new home. I have prayed about it and trust that God will work it out. And if my husband is not home - God will give me the ability to take care of the big job.

While waiting for the text that the chicks had begun the shipping process here - I was very anxious and I had to pray and ask God to help me to calm down. I had to finally tell God that I trusted that He would work it out. Funny thing is that it was about a minute after I told God that - that my phone dinged its alert that a text message had come through - yep! It was telling us that the babies were on the way.

The information from the post office is that they will get here by 8:00pm Thursday. I am hoping that they arrive before 10:00am the time period that my husband wants to be on his way. We will see. I will get on here and up date you all as soon as I get a chance to - to let you know what is going on.
In other news, it seems that I am allergic to yellow jacket stings. They hurt. And that is normal - what isn't so normal is the quarter sized bright red spots that develop on my where I got bit- two of them. And although the color is much less intense - I have had periods of it burning and itching still. As time goes by it is less intense. I think it really helped that I made up a small batch of charcoal poultice - as shown on the Old Mountain Remedies youtube that I shared last week. It turned out great and I think that putting that on my bit really helped calm the allergic reaction down. I love it when I find a natural remedy for things!! I can't wait to get a chance to watch the rest of the youtube program!! If you haven't have a chance to watch it yet - I highly recommend you go back and check it out!

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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