Monday, March 5, 2018

Busy Week

Just checking in to say that this will be a busy week for me. The blessing is that we are having great weather. I have 3 appointments to take my MIL to this week and thankfully we are not having cold, dreary weather like we have been.

I have also had the blessing of being able to get to the park and walk and am really hoping to have a chance to get a few more walks in this week.

On Friday my son will get his daughter for her spring break week. We look forward to the time with her. I have looked in to several museums and such in the area that we have not taken her to yet and plan on trying to get at least 2-3 of the places. Hoping for good weather so we can enjoy the week.

Well I am super tired this evening and I have a very early morning tomorrow- I have to have my MIL to her appointment for a PET scan by 8:30am. Please pray we have a safe trip- I am NOT looking forward to having to drive all the way there during rush hour. Plus pray that she will be able to handle the laying still for so long - it's hard for her to lay down let alone - lay still for a long time. She will be thrilled to have that behind her. Also pray that the appointment we go to on Thursday - the appointment in which we will get results from PET scan - will go smoothly. Praying there is no cancer. Please join me.

Hoping you are all doing well. :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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