Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There is a Reason I am a Texas Girl

I know many of you live in areas that your weather is as bad as what we are going through this week, but please understand that for us- this is the coldest that it has been since like 1993 - or maybe even longer ago - I have not been able to watch a recent weather report.

And also remember that our houses are not winterized like you would living in a much colder climate. So when the temperatures get this frigid - there are many people that have their pipes freeze. Our cold water in our kitchen is frozen now. I am thankful that - that is all.

This morning I woke up to the sounds of chickens clucking- that was really weird cause we sleep with a fan on low for the noise. Anyway I looked over to the clock to see what time it was and saw nothing. Oh no - Power is off. So I get up and check to see what the temperature was at. I looked for an electric bill so I could call the power failure in. After 10-15 minutes of trying I finally got through. And come to find out are area was part of a rolling black out that was going on. Because it is SO cold here in Texas we are using SO much more electricity than we usually do. Anyway they are trying to lower the amount of electricity used and do controlled power outages - to try to prevent uncontrolled power outages. Our electricity was off about 3o minutes +. We were lucky there were some people that had been without electricity for several hours.

I was so thankful for the power when it came on.

Here is a photo out the front of the house. See the white stuff - it looks like snow but nope - it is sleet and hard - in fact the sleet that we have in the back yard is so hard that when I walk on it - it does not break.

After our power got back on - I worked on getting stuff together to take out to the chickens. I boil water in a tea kettle and carry that along with food for them. I pour the hot water into where their water is. And what is so sad is that we have 2 red lights for heat and on the ground it is still sitting at 30 degrees - which means that that water freezes right back pretty quick. So I am going out there twice a day (at least) to make sure they are ok. They are spending most of their days in that shed - venturing out just for a bit now and then.

Please do pray for people in our area - if you would. Because like I said there are a lot of people that have pipes frozen and some without electricity and don't forget about the homeless. It is brutally cold out there. - It is cold in here. We have a fire place put we do not have a blower in it - so the heat stays in that part of the house and then other places in the house are chilly. And don't get me started on stepping out from a shower. Anyway prayers would be appreciated - it looks like we will be below freezing till Friday afternoon at the earliest maybe even Sabbath afternoon. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. Mitch told me we have 90% chance of snow on Friday, so we may be joining you in this soon!


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Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....