Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Are You Absorbing?

There are many times that I wish that I was a better writer. There are so many blogs that have wonderful writers. And when they have a message they are able to say it in such eloquent ways. Anyway here is what I have been thinking about today.

First of all, we absorb what we spent the the most time doing. Are we spending our time watching TV and reading secular magazines and watching the news? Well if we are spending most of our time in those areas- then we will be absorbing worldly view and secular ideas. I think that slowly our views, ideas, and morals change as we devote so much time to secular input.

But if we want to reflect God's character, then we need to devote more time studying the Bible and in prayer. And we need more quiet time, when the TV or Radio are going all of the time and it is always noisy around us - we don't have the ability to hear what God has to say to us.

I mean think about it - the only place - yes the ONLY place that we can find truth is in the Bible.
When we read the newspaper, or a magazine - are we reading something that is true? Who knows - I know that just this week I spent a few minutes reading a magazine that my sister had giving me and I was amazed at a few things that I read - just from the knowledge that I have have I recognized it as error. And when we watch TV and the News - is it truth? It is more than likely propaganda - some of it might be true but there is no telling.

I am challenging myself to spend more time in the Word of God, more time listening to Christian music, more time listening to Christian Radio - I want more of God in my life - not more of the world. :o)


  1. This is so true! What we focus on, we become like. So focusing more on Jesus means we get to become more like HIM! :) And, by the way, I think you are already a GREAT writer! You have a wonderful way of being open and honest, and therefore making people feel accepted and not critized for things that they know they need to improve on in their lives. Yet your sharing your struggles is done in such a way that you inspire others to also try and improve.

  2. "... some of it might be true but there is no telling."

    Well, actually, yes, there *is* telling. God can clearly reveal to us what is truth in everything we read and watch.

    And yes, the Bible is all truth. But God uses people everywhere to share His truths--people on tv, in books, magazines--everywhere, even 'secular' places. In the Bible God even used a donkey through which to speak. He can use anyone, anything and that's why I more enjoy finding Him, His truth, everywhere in our world. Leaving untruth behind me, setting it down, but carrying along truth, absorbing it, wherever I find it--never putting God in a box saying He can only be found here, here and here, but not there.

    After all, not all Christian tv is full of truth--often people can be in error there, too. Same for Christian radio. So I believe it's better for me to remain ultra-sensitive to His voice, His teachings through the Word so that, as I said, I'll find His nuggets of truth in every book, text book, educational film(like that latest one about eating which you mentioned at FB), magazine, blog, radio station, tv program etc. I read, watch or listen to.

    Just my opinion (and the way I've chosen to live) ..... Blessings, Debra


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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