Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weather/Book Giveaway

I just thought I would share this forecast with you all. It looks like we finally have a week that looks like fall has made it. I am so excited! The last couple of weeks we have had a lot of temps in the 80's - even a day or two in the 90's. There have been a few times that our house got quite warm. We had to shut down the house at least one or two evening in the last couple of weeks and turn the AC on - that is how warm it was. But as you can tell - we will probably not have to run the AC or the heater this week. I will close windows when it starts getting too cool in here. I want to see how long we can go without using the heater. Well I finished the last book that I have been reading during my quiet time. "The Zacchaeus Effect." It was a very good book. What I would like to do - is any of you are interested in this book - if you will send me an e-mail at liscarpATyahooDOTcom - with your address and let me know that you are interested in reading this book - I will send you one. I will do my best to fulfill any request - so don't hesitate to ask if you are interested. Or if you leave a comment letting me know you are interested - I will write you back to get your information.
And by the way, for those of you that are here in the USA - be sure and vote today! It is very important that you have your voice heard. :o)

1 comment:

  1. So glad for you finally getting cooler temps! It has been warm here for longer than usual as well, though we have had weather in the mid 70's for the past couple weeks. That has felt like Fall to me! This week supposed to get down around 65 in the day, so we are heading for sweater weather! Your book looks really good--did you get it at the ABC by any chance? I could always go to ours and see if they have it there....


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....