Friday, November 26, 2010

A Problem..Hoping for a Solution

I think I shared with you all how I had gotten an upper respiratory infection and how I had been having to work A LOT because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. I think I also shared how my Mother-in-Law(boss) smokes and was smoking a lot around me. And while I was working around the smoke - I would get super hot and then nauseous and felt like I could throw up any minute. I would have to get some fresh air. Well I know that I have always gotten headaches from cigarette smoke. But this is the first time that I have gotten physically sick from it.

Normally she does most of her smoking in her office and my nephew smokes at the front of the store - like a freight train. And in the kitchen - when they have the grill open they have the exhaust fan on and it pulls a lot of the smoke to the kitchen. And even when it is not on - when I turn on a fan to keep us cool in the kitchen - a lot of times all the smoke, especially from the front of the store comes back there and the smell is real strong.

Anyway I have been thinking a lot of about this lately. I have made a lot of changes to the way I live my life in order to be healthier. And now it is bothering me more and more to be around the cigarette smoke. And then this morning I read this article. And it really got me thinking that I do not need to be around the smoke - it is bad.

I also started to think it is funny because here I am feeling super nauseous and all and then I feel intimidated in telling my MIL because I don't want to hurt her feelings. Think about that for a minute - I don't want to hurt her feelings and what she is doing is hurting me physically...

I am praying about this situation. My MIL has a hard time hiring people to do the job I do. I know what needs to be done -I get in there and I get the stuff done. Other people that she has hired dilly dally around and take all day all week what I do in about 10 hours a week or so. And she already has her plate full of the things she is doing so I hate to just quit. I am thinking about looking into some kind of an air cleaning system to put in the kitchen but then I think it is kind of dumb to be putting a lot of money into this when it might be that I work just to pay for the air cleaner machine and filters- now would that be worth it? Do you see my dilemma here?

So I am going to be praying about this whole situation and see where God leads me. If any of you have and comments or ideas - please feel free to leave a comment and let me know. Thanks, I really appreciate it. :o)


  1. Bottom line...air purifier... won't take away cigarette smoke. Only "filter" it so it isn't as heavy in the air. Damage is still active.
    Level with MIL. Her smoke is affecting you. You are having allergic reactions (i.e. your upper respiratory infection)However you like working with her, and could there be a designated smoking area away from area you work to preserve your health. If not, then it is worth quitting. Yes, second hand smoke is lethal.Your health is at risk. JMHO

  2. Hi Lisa, I agree with Maric. Your health is more important. I can't be around cigarette smoke either. I have astma and I get really sick. We avoid it like a plague.
    I will pray with you about this.

  3. I would hate to be in your situation right now--hate confrontation, so my heart goes out to you. I will keep you in prayers, but think that Marci's suggestion is probably the only one to work.....hugs to you!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....