Sunday, November 7, 2010

Freedom to Release

A couple of months ago, when I changed my lifestyle for the good, I had not idea what all positive changes would come about from just focusing on being healthier. I am drinking pure, clean water and eating a plant based diet and it has made a big difference not only in my health and scales, but there are other great things happening.

I shared on a post last week about my dentist appointment and how there was much less plaque (almost 2 years since my last cleaning) then I used to have when I went to the dentist every 6 months.

Another wonderful thing has happened. I am now feeling more freedom to release that which I do not need. As I brought my winter things out - I tried everything on and I got rid of a majority of it. I kept only a reasonable amount of things to last me till they are too baggy to wear. In years past - I would have boxed up things that I did not need at the moment and keep them - just in case.

I guess I have done that with many things - kept them just in case I need them some day- Kind of like a pack rat. You know the minute you get rid of something you will probably need it. It seems that my mind is working so much clearer now and I am realizing that the changes that I have made are for a life time. I enjoy what I am eating now more than I have in years. And I am NOT exaggerating at all. Water is so refreshing and you can just feel how much good it is doing you. All the changes that I have made have been so beneficial to my body and my health that I have no intention of going back to my old way of doing things.

So that leads me to another wonderful positive. Every other time that I have worked towards losing weight - I would always get to a point of knowing that I was about to fall off of the wagon. And even though I could feel it coming on, there would be nothing that I could do about it. So since I am not dieting per say now, then I am so much more confident that this will be something that will take me to the weight that GOD intended for me to be. Notice I said God - that is because the world has so many charts and expectations of what a person should weigh - well I highly disagree with that. I was watching a Dr Oz show last week and they were talking about dangerous diets and a lady on there said "Skinny does NOT mean healthy" - and that is so true. So I may never be what a chart says I should weigh but I trust God to know what the best weight for me is and will accept it.

So for my title of this post - Freedom to Release - well I have shared how I have felt freedom to get rid of clothes that are too big- well that is one area. But I am also feeling more freedom to let go of other things that I do not use or need. It is a slow process but it is so freeing to be able to let go of thing that are just taking up space in my home and in my life. :o)


  1. Please don't get rid of your blog!
    I LOVE it here.

  2. thanks for sharing! Your thoughts are so encouraging!

  3. Lisa, sounds as though you are doing really well with all you've been doing. Congratulations! I am wondering if your husband has adapted to this new way of eating? My husband and I will do well for awhile and then slack off. It is hard for us to be consistent..

  4. Neat! I so appreciate your posting, Lisa. I am so happy things are going well, and you truely are an encouragement to me! :) Isn't it true how we all need to be able to release things in life that we aren't using. Then those things can bless other people who may truely need them, and at the same time it frees up space in our house for either things we truely do use, or just plain space!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....