From about 16 - 28 years old I drank Diet Coke. I thought I loved the stuff. When I was about 28, my husband was taking some college classes. One of his teachers gave him a packet of information about Aspartame. After my husband read it he told me, "N0 more diet drinks." If you would like to read about it there are many sites to find information. I am linking up to this one because it has a list of symptoms that Aspartame can cause.
Well I switched over to regular Coke. I grew to love it as well. And I drank it for many years. There were at least a half dozen or more times that I tried to quite drinking it. I would notice that if I had not drank one then by afternoon I would get a horrible headache and then once I figured out what the problem was - it would be too late. Even if I drank a Coke then - I would still suffer from the headache.
That was not the only problem I had - when I went to regular Coke - I started getting a lot more cavities - the kind that are found in between your teeth. I am sure it caused a lot of other problems because there are so many chemicals that our bodies were never intended to ingest in sodas.
Well I have shared how September the 10th was the last time I had a Coke - well a soda period. God gave me the victory over that addiction. And I am SO thankful.
I am thankful for a lot of reasons - like since we no longer buy sodas - we save money. And then buying the healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies that I would sometimes think were just too expensive are within reach. And I have found that eating healthy is NOT a whole lot more expensive. It depends on what is important to you I guess.
January 2009 I last had my teeth cleaned. I was told that I had a few cavities but they could wait till the next cleaning. Well I have already shared how hard of a year 2009 ended up being. Well I just did not think I was mentally up to going for the my next appointment with the Dentist so I canceled. We had also started to realize that this dentist was over charging us big time. And we just could not afford it. We are probably still paying on some of those outrageous charges even now. Anyway so I put it off. Then my husband had a tooth really bothering him and he found a new dentist and he went to her and liked her. My son next had a problem with a tooth and went. Well I made sure they were all taken care of then I finally decided that putting off the visit to the dentist was not the best thing, in fact, I was worried that maybe I had let it go too long and there would be some serious problems.
Yesterday was my appointment. I was happily surprised. I ended up with a few cavities but these were just the ones I had almost 2 years ago. None of them in horrible shape. And here is some great news - I had the least amount of plaque that I have ever had going for a cleaning. I mean I would go ever 6 months(like you are suppose to) and there would be a lot more. But this time there was less. And my gums were in great shape - they were very surprised. I think they saw that it had been almost 2 years since I had been to a dentist and so they were expecting the worse.
Well I wanted to share that story because I truly believe that the reason why my mouth was in as good of shape as it was - is because of the changes I have made in my life. No longer do I drink sodas which can cause havoc on my teeth and health. I don't drink anything but water between meals. And vary rarely I drink a little bit of koolaid - if I just have to have something sweet. But if I do - I brush my teeth right afterwards.
Anyway all of this to say - just because there are food and drinks being sold out on the market - does NOT mean it is good for us. Just think the cases of Cancer and Diseases are skyrocketing - why? Well I believe it has a lot to do with all of the chemicals and hormones that are in the foods today. If we could get to a more plant based diet and eating foods as closely to how they were grown- the better off we will be.
Taking care of these bodies that God has given us is well worth the effort. No matter what we do we will not live forever but we will have a lot more quality of life while we are alive if we will just do what we can to take better care of ourselves. :o)
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Oh I know. Aspartame is sooo dangerous. We quit drinking it immediately afer we watched just a fe moments of a certain video online about how so many diseases popped up in our Nation when NutraSweet was first sold. I'm sorry I ever had any of that stuff! We also don't drink regular sodas anymore, well, maybe two a year. But that's it. I'm glad things are going better for you! Blessings, Debra