Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freedom - Letting Go

Giving your spouse freedom to make their own choices can be very hard at times. I know this is something that I have found to be true. As I have shared(maybe too much) with you all - I have learned a lot of really cool information about taking better care of myself. And after hearing of a lot of success stories from people that have changed their lives, it is hard for me not to push my husband to make these same changes.

I would love for him to eat healthier, get more rest and exercise and drink the water that his body needs. And part of me thinks that it could make a big difference in how he feels. Well actually I think that he would feel a lot better, I don't know if making these changes could reverse the Parkinson's. I did not get a chance to ask the Dr about this. I know that these changes have reversed heart disease and diabetes. So I know that it would be a really good thing for him. And not only would it be best for him - but it would be a lot easier if we all ate the same way and if I could save the money that I pay for meat -and use it for more healthy foods. Trust me - I have been finding that it is not really expensive to eat healthy. But it is hard to continue to buy meat and make meat dishes -especially since I no longer eat meat. Well I do eat salmon when we go out - ever so often.

So to be honest - it is hard for me to just let him make his own choices. I am trying to let him make his choices and I am hoping that maybe if I give him the freedom to make his own choices that maybe he will be more supportive of me in what I am trying to do.

So even though my husband makes choice that I do not agree with - he is an adult and I need to give him the freedom to make his own choices. Yes - this is a post for me - talking my self into letting go of this situation. So anyway - that is where I am. I hope you all have a good week! :o)


  1. Hi Lisa, I needed to read this tonight. There is an area that I struggle with myself when it comes to my hubby and I was a little exasperated earlier..Good post and reminder for me to let go and let God.

  2. If he sees the change in you...he might just want it too! I will be praying. I too gave up meat long before hubby. God worked on his heart.

  3. So been there done that and am still doing it. :) It's so hard, like when yesterday Tom came home from the doctor who said he's still really concerned about Tom's blood pressure. It's so hard not to nag Tom into eating better and exercising! Gah. But really, until he decides for himself, all I can do is cook healthy meals for him and leave it at that. (But oh boy, I so want to do more!) :) ...Debra


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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