Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope everyone has a great holiday and that you are able to have it with those you love.

Sorry I have not posted very much. It was a busy couple of days. Yesterday was my birthday so when I got off of work - my sister and I along with our sons went thrift store shopping. We both are losing weight and needed to find some clothes that were fitting a little better. We had a very good time. It was nice, but by the time I got home - I was worn out - more to do with a very busy couple of days. I did find a couple of great finds.

I know this is not the best photo but I wanted to share this outfit. It makes me feel like I am a teenager again. I mean seriously I turned 41 yesterday but that does not mean that I have to dress like an old ;o)

Speaking of the photo - I found the pants and the top - and paid 4.94 for the pants and 1.41 for the top. So less than 7.00 for the outfit! That is the way I like to shop. And especially now. What I am buying right now is clothes to be used for the next 6 months and if I continue the way I have been...which I see no reason why I would not..then I will be needing smaller clothes by the next time I would need pants. So why spend a lot of money on clothes.

Before we went to the thrift stores we went to Khol's, my sisters son wanted to go. So we went to check out the clearance racks. We hardly found anything that we wanted, plus what we found was WAY too expensive - like 10.00 a top. And I can NOT pay that much for clothes that I may not use more than a few months or so.

Well I better close - we are headed to my M-I-L house for Thanksgiving. May we not only Thank God for our blessing today on this holiday but everyday! :o)


  1. Lookin' good!You have long sleeves on! Must be a little cooler up your way. Supposed to hit us tonight. Now AC is keeping us cool. Tomorrow the gas wood stove might be used for the first time...

  2. Great looking out! Happy belated Birthday to you..41, yikes you are a spring chicken compare to this granny at! May your day be blessed and be sure to get some rest..(:

  3. It was like 69 degrees at 6am and by 8am it was down to 42 degees. It is like 40 right now - at 6pm - and there is a strong north wind.
    Thanks for the compliment- it is good to hear nice comments!
    Lisa :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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