Monday, November 8, 2010

We had some excitement at our House this Morning

Today started out to be such a beautiful day! It was so nice to be able to go on my walk - leaving the house before 7am! I got my shower and then was in my room getting dressed.

Now before I go on with the Rest of the Story - I need to give a little bit of background here. I thing I have shared before that my little black cat Stewie does not get along with our big boy Tiggy or LuLu - she is our only girl. So When I was in my room getting dressed - Tiggy was in my room with me. All of a sudden I heart - Stewie screaming/hissing. I come out of my room telling my youngest son - it has to be LuLu that he is fighting with. My son is standing there in a weird position saying No it was me. I notice that his hand seems to be stuck somehow on his sleep pants. It takes a bit for me to realize that my son had a fishing lure hook in one of his fingers and one of the other 2 hooks is caught in his sleep pants.

(before we go any further - there is a photo that you may not want to look at if you are squeamish-it's not too bad.)

In the next few minutes I am told that Stewie had somehow gotten the hook -hooked onto one side of his butt and that my son was trying to get it out of the cat. He had the cat between his legs - trying to hold him so he could get the hook out and then the cat ran off - well in the process - the hook had went into his finger - deep - not enough to have the point come through the other end-but deep just the same.

Here is a photo of the fishing lure:


Well my son - kept his cool while I cut through his sleep pants around the hook. Then he used some tools to remove the hook part off of the lure. Then he cut the main hook part off of the one that was in his finger. He worked on it a bit trying to see if he could get it out. He was wanting to pull it through - but he said his skin was like leather.

Here is a photo of it - He took the photo - I was not dealing with it enough to be taking photos. I really do not like blood and guts type of stuff. Anyway that is why the photo is smaller- sorry. But you get the idea. It was weird cause you could see the hook through the skin.

When he realized that he could not get it out - I decided it would be good to call his Dr. and Praise the Lord - they said bring him right in. Well they were able to get it out without too much pain - those shots of pain killer did a lot of good for him. And he was given antibiotics since it was so deep. I am so glad that my son is so good under pressure and stress like that. So as you can tell it has been a bit of a stressful day. We are hoping that it will heal quickly without very much pain.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....