Thursday, July 21, 2022

Just checking in :O)

So today was our 30th day in triple digit weather. The last 3 days the high was 109 - so when our high today was only at 103 area - it was a tiny bit of relief but still very hot. And still no rain in sight. We have only gotten .70 - just less than 3/4th of an inch of rain in the last month or maybe even 6 weeks or more. That is so pathetic - we desperately need rain. I have been praying for rain and asking others to pray for rain as well. Hoping God blesses us soon with some rain. 

Life is still very busy. I have had several things throw a wrench into my schedule this week and was very thankful that I held my plans loosely because things changed again. But thankfully there have been some blessing along the way as well. 

We are moving forward -ever so slowly- to getting the tornado damage fixed. Looks like within a couple of week or so - we should have a new roof- that will be awesome! And we should be getting closer to having out fence fixed- the south side. My husband had been working on the north side fencing and it is looking very nice. You may be asking why he isn't doing that south side? Well it is because new metal poles need to be placed and with the temperatures being in the triple digits - it is just best we pay to have it done. He is working on the other $6500. area. So we are saving money by him doing this other section. 

We have so many project to do around here and it feels good to be getting things done - or at least see the prospect of them getting done soon! 

Hope you all are doing well. I will check in again when I get a chance. :O) 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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