Friday, July 8, 2022

How's you weather?

 Sad to say - I can not remember the last things I have shared - so I apologize in advance if I have already gone over some of this. Last Thursday our son was told by the babysitter who was taking care of our youngest grandson 2 days a week that it would be her last week to keep him- super short notice. Anyway so since I already took care of him on Wed I now have him Wed, Thursday, and Fridays. Oh boy. It is taking a lot to get used to it. I am not used to this demand of my time. I rather liked having pretty much all control over what I wanted to do and when I wanted to do it. But now - I have a limit on that and it is taking something to get used to it for sure. 

Friday has always been preparation day - a day to get ready for the Sabbath. And I tried not to have things scheduled on Fridays  - like appointments for me or my mother in law. I enjoyed changing sheets and working on cleaning up the house and getting groceries so that we would have everything we needed on Sabbath. So it has been a bit disappointing now to have baby duty. I am trying to establish some what of a routine - what I can for just having him 3 days a week. And I am working at getting things done before, after and here and there during the day. 

I do know this - I do believe that now I will certainly look forward to Sabbaths rest more now then ever before. Once my hours of watching the baby ends and I finish up my Friday things I will be so thankful for Sabbaths rest. 

So we have had 17 triple digit days so far and today will be another. In fact, over the next week - it looks like every day but one will be triple digit days and its said to be 99. Our AC had been struggling to keep up with all this heat so yesterday we went and purchased a larger window unit for our sunroom. We really need to get our duct work redone in the attic and we also need to get some insulation blown in attic as well. About a year or so ago somehow we had raccoons get into out attic- and they did all sorts of damage to our insulation. But we could not afford to do it and now it will have to wait till after summer - NO ONE wants to be in the attics this time of year. So it has been hard to keep the house cool. We got the larger AC unit and we are hoping to be able to handle this heat easier. Today the heat index is said to be at least 111!! And most days will be 100 plus days. 

I am working with my struggling garden hoping to continue to get a few goodies from it. But trust me in this weather it is struggling. 

Well I better close baby is taking a nap and could wake up any time so I need to finish this up so I can get it posted. I am sorry for the lack of posts lately. I do think that maybe I can take advantage of the little 30 minute naps to get a post written up here and there. I have another post that it written in a journal - I just need to get it typed up - maybe I can get that done later today and get it up sometime soon. 

I have to say I am thankful for this laptop that my husband got fixed up for me so I can be in the room next to where baby is sleeping to get this typed up. That has been one issue for me - is that where our desk top computer is near where my husband watches tv and I really don't want to listen so some of the programs he watches plus it is hard to stay focused on what I am typing. So that had made it harder to get posts up. But I will be getting this laptop out more and hopefully being able to get things typed up :O) 

I do hope you all are staying cool enough. 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have a laptop to use! You are a wonderful Grammie, to help out with babysitting! I know you are happy to help, but it is truly a sacrifice as well!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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