Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Best Deal ~ Truly a Blessing From God!

Since next week I will begin to watch our youngest grandson who is 5 months old 3 days a week, I decided to go by a favorite thrift store in the general area. It is the thrift store that I have actually found some vintage Fisher Price toys at. I have in recent days realized it is probably my best source for great baby things. 

When I walked up to the baby area in the store - at first glance it looked quite bare. And I was worried I would not find anything. But then I noticed this brightly colored catterpiller. I picked it up and begin to try to figure out what exactly it was for. I thought this would be something great for the grandson. Little did I know what a great deal I was getting for just $6.00!! When I looked it up I realized that it was being sold on Amazon for $40.99! 
 I then found this treasure! I had wanted something like this cute security blanket toy. And here was a great one - this was the highest priced one I found on the internet - I am sure it could be found for cheaper. But I know it wouldn't be cheaper than the $2.00 I paid for it!!! What a deal!! 
I continued to look and saw this and thought - this would be great to have and especially for 50 cents!! 

And of course I wanted something to hang from car seat to help entertain him. Sometimes his daddy brings the toys they have for him - but I thought it would be great for us to have some different ones - that way they would entertain him longer. And for $2.00 I thought it was a great deal!! :O) 

I was so thrilled that God blessed me with all of these great toys for such a great deal! It was truly a blessing from God!! No other way to explain it. God knew that I was a bit stressed about my new duties and He provided some much needed helps for me. Praise God!! :O) 


  1. God blessed indeed! You are super kind and sweet to help out with child care, and God knew you needed some good tools to help baby with!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment. I just pray that God gives me the strength and patience as well. God bless you


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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