Sunday, July 3, 2022

Holding Plans Loosely

 So this past week I was reminded of the importance of holding your plans loosely. And thankfully God has gently been trying to prepare me for what was to come. 

On Thursday morning - our youngest son was told by the baby sitter of our youngest grandson - who watches him on Thursday and Fridays - that - Friday would be the last day she would watch our baby grandson. What a surprise to our son! 

I have been watching this grandson on Wednesdays and now I will be watching him on Wed, Thursday and Fridays. Which will mean I will have to change my schedule around in order to get all my things done and watch our grandson 3 days a week. It will be a big adjustment for me but I know that God will give me the ability to do so. 

I know I have been doing poorly at getting posts written up - I have been spending a lot of time in my garden/yard and then all my regular stuff. I have been very busy. I can not promise how things will be now- but I am hoping that I will be able to get on the computer and type up a post or so ever so often when the baby sleeps.  

So starting Monday it looks like it is back to the triple digit days.....oh my :( We have already had 12 of them this year. Last year we only had 8- that is the official number for the area that I live in. We could have had more. It seems like sometimes that we may actually hit triple digits or more but it doesn't always show up for official numbers. 

So God blessed me with a bit of help for my up coming Grammie duties - I will share about them soon. :O) 

I hope you all are doing well. May God continue to bless and keep you close to His heart! 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of...Self Control

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