Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Importance of Rules and Boundaries

Slowly, very slowly over the last year I am learning new things that are helping me along the road to better health. I am hoping as I share with you, what I am learning, that the information will help you as well. There is a good chance that many of you have already figured a lot of this stuff out - and if you have that is great! But it seems in some areas I am a late bloomer. Instead of beating myself up about that - I will look at the positive side and be happy for finally figure these things out.

Today I am going to share with you one of the concepts that I have learned this year. It is the importance of setting rules for yourself. Like setting boundaries, it is important. But too often our rebellious selves don't want rules.

When we are kids we have plenty of rules. Don't do this, Do that...etc. And many, if not all, of us get tired of rules. We think, "Oh, I can't wait till I grow up and don't have any more rules." And that is basically what happens - we allow ourselves to do what ever we want to do. What ever we want - goes. And for a while this works, but over the long haul - we start reaping the consequences of our actions. And many times they are not pleasant at all.

Each time in the past, when I have fallen off the wagon it has been in order to do as I please. I am tired of the rules. In the past I didn't realize that the rules are there as boundaries to keep me going in the direction that I want to go. So I have thrown the rules and restrictions out the window, only to gain the weight back. Does this make me happy in the long run? No...of course not. So do I really want to live a live without rules and without boundaries? No.

Once we figure out that in order to live a healthy lifestyle we need to set rules and boundaries for ourselves, we have finally moved a giant step in the direction towards better health. And we are not as likely to fall off the wagon when we respect the fact that in life there will be rules. And that the rules are there to help us achieve our goals.

Are there rules or boundaries that you need to set for yourself? Many times I think we know that we need to - but we keep pushing that urge out of the way - rebellious...not wanting to have restrictions on ourselves. But you may want to reconsider- think of some things in your life that you have felt a tug that you need to get under control. If you will pray and ask God to guide you - I am sure He will give you wisdom in what areas you need to set some rules and guidelines for yourself. When the rules are God led- you are bound to be headed in the right direction. And as an added bonus - He will help you along the way.

Next week - I will be sharing another lesson I have learned in a blog post titled - "The Pause" and you will see how the rules are very helpful in this lesson as well. See you then.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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