Thursday, February 20, 2025

I've got a secret to share... part 7

 Have you ever been on a diet and fell off the wagon? I have, more times than I like. Well today I am going to share a little secret that just might help you be successful in the future. 

Lifestyle, it's about a lifestyle. Now I know I've shared before about the fact that when we make changes that it is more successful in the long term when it's not just a diet but a lifestyle. But I missed an important fact that I finally figured out. And it, I believe, is the secret!  

It's to focus! Every time in the past I started eating better and exercising and I was really focused on losing weight. Sure, I was enjoying all the benefits of doing those things - feeling so much better, sleeping better, thinking better, etc. But my main focus was on losing weight. By this point you may be asking why would that be a problem. Well, I am glad you asked. The reason why having weight lose be the main focus is that when you hit a plateau you get discouraged and fall off the wagon. You feel discouraged because you have worked so hard to lose weight and since you aren't, why should you even bother. 

Here is the secret, when your focus is on your health- there is no diet wagon to fall off of! You are feeling better, thinking better, sleeping better, your blood work is improving and so many more benefits and weight lose is just a happy bonus. So, when you get on the scales and there isn't the expected weight loss you remind yourself- I've made these important changes for my health and for all the benefits. I am not going to let 1 little thing throw me off course. Yes, you may feel discouraged for a bit but believe me when you are able to reason with yourself it really helps. 

Another important thing at this moment would be to pray for help- help in refocusing on your health and wisdom. Sometimes there could be elements of a healthy lifestyle we have left out. Maybe we are staying up too late and our bodies are struggling to repair itself. Maybe we have neglected exercising. God will give us insight into what we need to do if we will ask. He will also give us strength to keep focusing on our health and not fall off the wagon just because we are not losing weight. We don't fall off the wagon because we are not on the diet wagon. 

We are making healthy choices to properly take care of the bodies we have been given. 

 Don’t you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit is in you, and you have received the Spirit from God. You do not belong to yourselves. 20 Christ has paid the price for you. So use your bodies in a way that honors God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

I've got a secret to share... part 7

 Have you ever been on a diet and fell off the wagon? I have, more times than I like. Well today I am going to share a little secret that ju...