Thursday, February 13, 2025

You have circled this mountain long enough....part 5

 When I first saw this Bible verse several years ago, it really spoke to me. I wrote it on an index card and placed it on my mirror.  I felt there was a deeper meaning for me. I continued to ponder this verse. 

There have been several times when I have decided to eat better and take care of myself better but then something knocks me off the path. But one day in January after all the changes I've made in my life, I was looking at the index cards on my mirror and read through this one and all of a sudden it hit me. THIS IS what God was trying to tell me with this Bible verse. I had tried here and there to change my lifestyle to live healthier, but I hadn't let Him lead. I had circled the mountain but now He wanted me to go North- North being- Follow Him- and following Him for me meant to make all the changes in my life needed for better health, giving up the meat, dairy, sodas, processed sugars and processed foods. And by the way I have not given up bread. I make our own bread using freshly milled flour. I am using only minimal oil. And eating heathy fats like nuts, seeds, olives and avocados.

I am SO thankful that I finally allowed God to guide me to make the best choices for my health. For several years I read this verse and pondered what it meant for me, and now I know. I had circled the mountain long enough. It was time to turn to God!   

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