Wednesday, August 16, 2017

God Has Promised.....series

God Has Promised

~God stands back of every promise He has made.

"For any gift HE has promised, we may ask; then we are to believe that e receive, and return thanks to God that we have received." Education, p. 258

"God stands back of every promise He has made." ~Christ Object Lessons, p. 147

"Can you not trust in your heavenly Father? Can you not rest upon His gracious promise? ....
Can we not have implicit trust, knowing that He is faithful who has promised? I entreat you to let your trembling faith again grasp the promises of God. Bear your how weight upon them with unwavering faith; for they will not, they cannot, fail." ~Testimonies, vol. 2. p. 497

"Let these blessed promises, set in the framework of faith, be placed in memory's halls. Not one of them will fail. All that God hath spoken He will do. 'He is faithful that promised.' " Testimonies, col. 5, p. 680

"We should now acquaint ourselves with God by proving HIs promises. Angels record every prayer that is earnest and sincere. We should rather dispense with selfish gratification than neglect communion wit God." The Great Controversy, p. 622

"Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing." The Desire of Ages, p. 330

"Think of Christ. Look to Him in faith, believing His promises. Keep your mind trustful. He will be your stay. Lean on Him, depend on Him....Put your trust in One whose arm will never fail....Looking to Jesus you will find encouragement." Selected Messages, book 2, p. 265

"The Comforter that Christ promised to send in His name abides with us. In the way that leads to the City of God there are no difficulties which those who trust in Him may not overcome. There are no dangers which they may not escape. There is not a sorrow, not a grievance, not a human weakness, for which He has not provided a remedy." The Ministry of Healing, p. 249

"All things are possible to him that believeth; and whatsoever things we desire when we pray, if w believe that we receive them we shall have them. This faith will penetrate the darkest cloud and bring rays of light and hope to the drooping, desponding soul. It is the absence of this faith and trust which brings perplexity, distressing fears, and surmising of evil. God will do great things for His people when they put their entire trust in Him." Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 140

"All His (God's) gifts are promised on condition of obedience." Christ Object Lessons, p. 145

"The enemy never can take out of the hand of Christ the one who is simply trusting in His promises." The SDA Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, on Revelation 3:3, p. 959

"If you have...given yourself to Christ you are a member of the family of God, and everything in the Father's house is for you. All the treasures of God are opened to you, both the world that now is and that which is to come. The ministry of angels, the fit of His Spirit, the labors of His servants--all are for you. The world, with evertying in it, is yours so far as it can do you good. Even the enmity of the wicked will prove a blessing by disciplining you for heaven. If  'ye are Christ's,' 'all things are yours.' " Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 110

"To him who is content to receive without deserving, who feels that he can never recompense such love, who lays all doubt and unbeliefs aside, and comes as a little child to the feet of Jesus, all the treasures of eternal love are a free, everlasting gift." ~Ellen G. White letter 19E, 1892

"It is through the gift of Christ that we receive every blessing. Through that gift there comes to us day by day the unfailing flow of Jehovah's goodness. Every flower, with its delicate tints and sweet fragrance, is given for our enjoyment through that one Gift. The sun and moon were made by Him; there is not a stay that beautifies the heavens which HE did not make. There is not an article of food upon our tables that HE had not provided for our sustenance. The superscription of Christ is upon it all." Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 287,288

"The Saviour has not promised HIs followers the luxuries of the world, their fare may be plain, and even scanty; but His word is pledged that their need shall be supplied, and He has promised that which is far better than worldly good- the abiding comfort of His presence." The Desire of Ages, p. 367

"He(Christ) is to be with us, not only at the beginning and the end of our course, but at every step of the way." Steps to Christ, p. 69

"It is possible even for a parent to turn away from his hungry child, but God can never reject the cry of the needy and longing heart." Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 132

If you would like to check out any of these quotes - you will find most of the books at Ellen G. White Estate
You won't find the quotes from letters or the Testimonies at the site above but you would be able to find the rest.

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