Friday, August 11, 2017

Still Here, Still Struggling

So this week has been another challenging week for me. In fact, probably more challenging in some ways than last week was. I have done my best to keep myself busy- keeping myself busy kept me from crying- at least helped distract me for a bit. I have really felt like I am struggling to not fall into a pit of depression. God has brought a very helpful little booklet to my attention and I will probably share some of the quotes that have really helped me slowly get to a better state of mind.

My sewing room seems to be a good therapy place to be and things to do.
This first project that I finished this week - has been a project on my mind for about a year. I have a friend who has had breast cancer and so I decided to make this "HOPE" banner for her. This week I finally finished it - I am hoping to be able to give it to her tomorrow - if not hoping it will work to give it to her next week.
I actually finished the current BOM - when I finish it early in the month - it just seems to make it easier for me to work on other projects- it's like Ok, I have my assignment done - now I can work on what ever project I want to.
 Which led me to being able to get this BOM from a past year - cut out and put together. And I have started a third red/white/black block- good news is I only have 2 more blocks to finish and I will have my blocks done for that quilt. I will need to get the fabric to put this quilt together though.
I also spent time in the kitchen. I needed to make up bread - so I did! I just have to say,
I love home made bread!!  

I also made up a batch of granola! I actually ended up cooking it a bit longer than this photo shows- so it was a bit more golden brown. When it is more golden brown - you have a better chance of getting delicious crunchy granola. And I have found a great way to have granola without over doing it. When I have yogurt - I will add some granola to it - and it is delicious!! I LOVE it! This way I get to enjoy the granola without eating a bunch at a time!

I had a couple of appointments to take my MIL to this week. Oh and the "Check Engine" light came on in my car at the beginning of the week - so I have been without a car most days. I did get to drive my husband's car today so I could go get groceries - that was really nice. I am hoping it will be able to be fixed this week end, but if not at least we have a plan.
I am sorry I have not had a chance to get posts done up for this week end. They would have been easy and not taken much effort other than typing them up, but just didn't get around to it. Hopefully I will be able to get some more therapy in my sewing room this week end and hopefully I can get back to myself. I really need to get some blog posts written up - I have some great ideas, I just haven't gotten them typed up yet.
It is still quite warm here in Texas! But sadly, that is normal for August - which is most of the time the hottest time of the year. This year has not been all that bad - I think yesterday was day 8-9 of triple digit temps for the summer- and I am about sure we hit the century mark today as well.
Ya'll stay warm.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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