Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Health and Wellness Journal

Last week at a local GW store - I found this great journal. It is an 8x10 sized journal with great lined pages. Only problem is that it had a pretty good sized sticker on the front cover. When I removed the sticker - that area was very sticky. So I decided to make my own pretty cover for it. I put down the first piece of tape before I realized that I needed to get my stickers and all on it, that is why there is no writing on this label. If I had have written a title for it - I would have named it Health and Wellness.

I have come across some great health information in the past and I continue to learn more awesome health tips. And I thought it would be a great idea to gather my information to one area - so I could always refer back to this journal when needed. It could help inspire me when I am have a rough time. It could be a great tool to keep me on the path to wellness and health.
And the best part - it was less than $3.00!!
Now I can't wait to come across healthy information so I can add it to my book.

Would you like to know the first information add to my Health and Wellness Journal?
Last week I caught the tail end of a program about health. I found out that exercising helps the body produce two substances that really help with wellness- one of the substances is an anti - hypertension substance and the other one helps with diabetes prevention. Isn't that exciting information?!
I also heard it said that laughter is really good for your health - even forced laughter can do you good. Just 15 seconds of laughter can help with cardio health. So especially on days that you are not going to be able to get your exercising in - be sure and laugh at least 15 seconds- even if it is forced it will do you good.
One of the last things said on the show - and I think he went over it more during the show and I am SO hoping to catch this show again because I would love to learn more about this - but he said drinking water helps with dopamine. If I am able to catch the program again - I will write a post more in depth about this. It sure sounds interesting. Drinking water is excellent for us - so whether we know all the details about what all drinking water can do for us - or not - it is just best to drink the water and enjoy the benefits!! :O)
This will actually be another series I will be doing here on my blog. When I come across great health and wellness information - I will share the information with you guys - so we all will benefit from my journal. Also just in case you would like to start your own journal.
Soon I will be sharing about another journal I am actually going to began yesterday, but I would like to see how it goes before I write up a post about it. So be watching for that.

Come back tomorrow when our new series on "God Has Promised" will begin - you won't want to miss this one. :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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