Thursday, June 6, 2019

Strategies for Dealing with the Struggles of Life

I'm guessing you have noticed I have been kind of quiet lately. The truth is I have been wrestling with  what feels like many issues, many of which I have no control but hey affect me none the less. Sometimes I deal with t his stuff better than others and on my walk this morning I figured out some of the strategies that help me deal with life better and I want to share them with you. This is not an exhaustive list by no means, it's just some of the top important things to help me deal with the struggles in life.

As I was nearing the end of my walk I checked to see how many steps I had in for the day-and at 8:00am I had over 7.000 steps- this was after my 3 mile walk and taking care of my chickens. Wow! I thought as I click eked over to take a look at my steps for the week, month, year and I noticed something interesting. Something that I think is key in dealing with the ups and downs of life. I noticed over the last couple of weeks I had fewer days where I got 7,00 steps or more. I looked further back and noticed more days with higher step counts and realized that by getting out and getting not only exercise, but also fresh air and sunshine really helped me a lot!

Another thing that contributed to my struggles was that I had not been making as many good choices of what to eat as I know I should. Good nutrition is vital in our bodies functioning properly. I had not worked to get a variety of good, healthy food. When your body is not getting the nutrition it needs, you suffer in many different ways.

Getting enough sleep is another important factor to good health mentally and physically. And because of some issues I had not been getting adequate sleep. So I made a few changes and have added a bit of time to my sleeping. I need to try to adjust my schedule a bit more to add a bit more sleep, but I am already feeling the difference with the added sleep.

And lastly, but certainly not least important is our relationship with God and trusting Him. As human beings we thing we need to solve our own problems and many times instead of solving the problem we make more problems for ourselves. This is what I have done on many levels lately. I have had to step back and re-evaluate my life and what things I need to leave with Him. I need to leave His job to Him. I am not qualified to do it. Putting my I trust in Him helps me release the baggage that I carry around. I am still working in this area as well. Some bags are harder to let go of and some bags I pick back up from time to time.

These are the main things I am doing in order to help me deal with life's struggles in a much better way. And I am doing my best to allow God to give me the wisdom to make better decisions in all area of my life.

I am writing this post on my iPad and for some reason I have issues with proof reading it on this device. So please excuse any typos one weird words that may have been written. Next time I am on my desktop I will try to proof ad it then.

I hope you all are have a great week. :0)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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