Sunday, June 30, 2019

One Man's Trash.....

My son has gotten into scrapping. He picks up metal and such that people are discarding and he takes it in and gets money for it. Several times a year they do a bulk pick up in this area and that is when he can get a whole lot of stuff!

It can be a lot of work because some of the stuff has to be taken apart in order to get the best deal. More money comes from certain metals - so he has to sometimes take the tires off the rims and things like that. Sometimes they get dis guarded washer, dryers and fridges. One time he got really lucky and when he was picking stuff up the older lady came out and told him that the dryer he was picking up ( which was in excellent shape just needed a new belt - and less than $10.00 later he had a new dryer to replace his much older dryer that wasn't very energy efficient.

I enjoying him scrapping because ever so often I get a treasure. This bird cage is so cool and I love it so he let me have it. I will find something awesome to do with it! :O)

I love it when people put things they don't need/want out so that others can pick it up because truly one mans trash can be another mans treasure- or in my case - woman! :O)

When I first composed this post I actually had no idea that God would led  me to adding this next part. I had this post already typed up and in the queue ready to be posted when the time came. But God started speaking to my heart about this and then as I was pondering this topic it just totally worked out to put this altogether because it really does go together. 

Have you ever felt discarded?

Looking in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary we find the definition for Discard

DISCARDverb transitive
1. To throw out of the hand such cards as are useless.
2. To dismiss from service or employment, or from society; to cast off; as, to discard spies and informers; to discard an old servant; to discard an associate.
3. To thrust away; to reject; as, to discard prejudices
DISCARDEDparticiple passive Thrown out; dismissed from service; rejected.
 Have you ever felt discarded? I know I have and it doesn't feel good. But the good news is that the same is true of people as it is with things - some people may think of you as no longer useful but there will always be One who will never discard you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You can count on Him when no one else seems to care. Others may discard you but to God you will always be a treasure~ You can count on that! And just as the scrap metal is valuable- so are you! 

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