Thursday, June 27, 2019

Money Saving Tip


Today's post is gonna seem like a no brainer but I think it is something great to be reminded of from time to time. We can not fall into a rut of getting what we get because it was the best deal at the time we bought it. Prices change and new products can be found that could be a better deal. 

The milk on the left is from Sprouts- it is about a 35 minute drive or so from my house to the local Sprouts store. I found this shelf stable Almond milk for $1.79 for 32 oz. It was a great deal at the time and so I kept getting it. Since it is shelf stable - it was easy to keep it around. I would pick up a few extras when I went to the store. 

Well one day about a week or two ago I was running low on my milk. I did not have a trip planned to Sprouts so while I was at Aldi's I decided to look and see what choices they had for me and that is when it happened. I found this carton (on the right) that was the exact same price - but double the size as the one from Sprouts! 
I had shied away from buying the bigger carton for a while because I did not know if I could use it all before it went bad - but I am SO thankful that I checked it out and bought it because it has worked well and saved me money! And I like to save money!!

So just remember - what you are buying might be a great deal - but ever so often you may want to compare and make sure you are still getting the best deal. :O)

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