Monday, June 17, 2019

Creativity From My Sewing Room ....series

Good Morning! So I have decided that I need to spend more time being creative in my sewing room. I will do my best to share at least one thing a week that I have done to be creative in my sewing room. Now the month of July I may not do so well since I will be spending a lot of time taking care of my granddaughter - but I will do my best before then and after that to be sharing something that I am doing. And as you have already figured out it may not all be sewing. 

Today's creativity is a dress that I bought that I ended up feeling was a bit too short for me. I really like my dresses to go over the knees - if not half way down my calf. Anyway so I loved this dress - the fact that it has pockets made me think outside of the box and figure out something to do to make the dress work for me. That is when I decided to get some lace and sew it to the hem. I went to Hobby Lobby for the lace and after my 40% coupon - I paid just over $8.00 for the piece of lace that not only went on the bottom hem - but I also ended up adding a strip of lace at the neck line. It brought the whole look together nicely! Between pinning the lace to the hem and then sewing it on only took about 15 minutes. Hand sewing the lace at the neck took a little more effort and time but the outcome was well worth the extra time and money. 

Sonoma Dress ~ $3.50 
Lace~ $8.07 (with some lace left over) 
Total cost~ $11.57 

What I love about thrift store shopping is that I can invest a bit of money into a piece of clothing and still get it cheaper than what I would have paid for it brand new. And it's even better when the item is in pristine condition as well! 

I think I will get plenty of use out of this awesome dress - well worth the time,effort and money to have a dress that works well for me! 

Have you altered something to make it work better for you? I would love to hear about it :O) 


  1. Really, cute dress.

    Sorry I haven't commented here in forever!

  2. Keep on writing, great job!

  3. I always spent my half an hour to read this blog's content all the time along with a cup of coffee.

  4. Lovely blog! I am loving it!! Will be back later to read some more.
    I am taking your feeds also


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)