Friday, June 7, 2019

Another Strategy

Yesterday I talked about the Strategies for Dealing with the Struggles of Life    you can click on the link if you missed it. There is some really good information, if you missed it you may want to check it out. 

Today I want to share another little secret that I discovered this week. So I had gotten into a rut. I had not spent any time sewing in my sewing room. I forgot that quilting/sewing can be great therapy. So this past week end I pulled out a Block of the Month baggies and started working on it. 
I had been spending time in my sewing room - but I had been watching TV doing little this and thats but hadn't actually quilted in over 6-7 months. 
It felt good to look at the pattern and then get supplies out and cut out all the pieces. Then - because I am visual - I like to lay the pieces out to see what the finished block will look like. This also helps me see how best to sew the pieces together. And yes - there are some blocks where it is very important to sew it together the way the directions say - otherwise you get reacquainted with your seam ripper. 
I was reacquainted with my seam ripper - but is was because I got one of the dark blue triangles pointing the wrong way - too back I did not notice it till I had that corner square sewn up- and had to undo a good amount of it. Thankfully it wasn't too bad and it quickly came together once I fixed my mistake.
It felt good to get this block finished. I realized that I need to work on more projects in my sewing room and not spend as much time just sitting and watching TV. By doing projects - I feel accomplished and more successful. 

So I would add to the strategies to help yourself deal with struggles would be to find some hobby/ craft or project you can work on. It helps occupy your mind and at the end you will have that feeling of accomplishment. And that will help you deal with stress. 

Oh!! I forgot. I worked on another project in my sewing room - not a sewing project but it did challenge me just a bit and I was very proud of successfully finishing it. I will try to get a post typed up about it as soon as I get a chance - Right now I need to get going on the rest of my day. Have a good one!! :O) 

Probably won't post until Monday - It will be a busy week end. Hope you all have a great week end! :O)

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