Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Healthy Tidbits

Fever is it good or bad? Many times when we have a fever we rush to take something to bring the fever down - but I think that if we understand what the fever is for we may rethink what we do when we have one. Read the quote below to see what I mean.

This quote is from Gunther B. Paulien , Ph.D book The Divine Prescription and Science of Health and Healing

Fever Burns Bacteria and Impurities With Heat 

Fever is one of the body's own defense mechanism created and sustained for the deliberate purpose of restoring health. The high temperature of a fever speeds up Metabolism, inhibits the growth of the invading virus or bacteria, literally burns them with heat and accelerates the healing process. Fever is an effective protective healing measure not only against colds and other simple infections, but also against serious diseases such as polio and cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting fact. I knew fever was fighting off diseases in the body, but it is interesting to know to what extent


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