Thursday, May 30, 2019

Careless Words

Be careful of what careless words you speak. Why do I say that? Several weeks ago I went to a women's breakfast and someone made this statement to me:

"Cancer always comes back."

It shocked me when she said it and later that day as I was walking I tried to process it and had felt like I had and that it was behind me,but it has affected me more than I realized. An random achyness in the area where cancer had been, a  few dizzy spell, headaches, twitching eye( a WHOLE LOT) of twitching of the eye, fatigue and did I mention my finger nails are in the worst shape- sounds trivial till I think back to just before my cancer diagnosis and what horrible shape my finger nails were in. e  ...all of these things began to make me concerned. It made me so much more sensitive to things that I normally deal with just fine.

Last week when I was out working in my yard, I heard a mocking bird - do what he does best - mock...then all of a sudden, I heard a beautiful little melody and looked to see what bird was making that noise, it was the mocking bird! We, just like the mocking bird, have the ability to make a beautiful sound or annoying one with the works we speak.  So we need to be careful with the words we speak- that they are not careless words.

Be sure to stay tuned to part two of this little story - Its like Paul Harvey used to say - and "that is the rest of the story"

PS~ please keep me in your prayers- i am still really struggling with this. Thanks 🙏

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