Friday, May 24, 2019

Blessings and Blessing Others

Summer is coming on and we will have our granddaughter for the month of July. I have begun looking at what all we will need for that month. And I had realized that since she has been growing that we would be needing clothes. Thankfully God has provided by a friend from my new church getting rid of too small stuff from her daughter and she thought of our Sweetpea!
And then our youngest son's girl friend had some girls clothes and sent them over. I have gone through all the clothes and happy to say that SweetPea will have a good amount of clothes!!

I went through her things and pulled the too small stuff and will pass them on to a friend who has a younger daughter that will be able to use the clothes that I pulled from SweetPea's drawers.

So my plan now is that this summer my granddaughter and I may hit a couple of thrift stores and I will let her pick out a few things she loves to fill in the gaps in her wardrobe. But till then she will have plenty. I love it when she can just open up her drawers and pick out what she wants to wear and know that everything should fit her.

I am so thankful that thoughtful people passed on the things they would not use and I am happy to know someone to pass things along to. It is a great way to be a good steward of what we have and bless others.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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