Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Few Days Away

Sorry I have been missing in action lately. My husband and I went to a favorite state park to go camping for a couple of days. I love to hike when we go there. They have 4 great trails. And my goal on every trip is to hike every one of them! I was a bit disappointed on this trip because some of the trails were muddy. One of the trails I had to turn around and go back because I came to an area that we just too muddy to get through. And another trail I was not able to walk at all. The trails I did hike had sections that were quite muddy but thankfully there were either large rocks or some high ground I was able to use to get through. 
The first day I got a very good walk/hike in! But at 5:25am when I got up to go to the bathroom and then I was going to turn our thermostat down a bit- I forgot there was another step there and I tumbled to the ground landing on my knees pretty hard and then hands. That is the negative of the way they design the new 5th wheels. No carpet and the steps are high and oddly spaced. This is not the first time I have fallen. The first time we took the trailer out I fell - that time on another step- I hadn't remembered where the step was. That time i was banged myself up pretty bad but did not fall. This time I was very careful with the steps I am used to going down to get to the bathroom - but then I had to move the bathroom door and was going try to get the thermostat that is behind the door and just did not remember that last step and bam! It has taken a couple of days but I have a big bruise about 5 inches or more from knee down my leg. It is still sore and sensitive to touch. And the bruising gets darker each day. 

I didn't let busting my knees stop me from getting in another great hike. There are two parts to this trail and because of how late I got started - I was not able to get through both sections of it. I was worried I wasn't going to make it out of the woods by the time the sun went down as it was. 

During my hike the first day I was there - I saw 3 deer. One of them was off to the side of the hiking trail. She wasn't that far away and I tried really hard to get a good photo of here - but I just could get it. The other two deer had been drinking at the lake when I disturbed them and they went across the hiking trail into the woods. As I continued on the trail I could hear them off to the side but never got to see them again.

One of my favorite things about trips to this state park is my view for my morning quiet time!!

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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