Friday, February 1, 2019

Don't Be a Label Maker

Sometimes we can be our own worst critics. Sometimes we fall into the trap of criticizing others. Neither of these things are good for us, or others.

Many of us find ourselves talking negative talk to ourselves. We call ourselves all sorts of names - stupid, clumsy, loser, dumb, failure, outsider, fat, ugly, idiot, and the list goes on and on. Calling ourselves these negative names does nothing but put that label on us and reinforces those negative thoughts and beliefs.

Sometimes we put these labels on other people - and by doing you set yourself up to only seeing the negative attributes in them. And by doing so we probably treat them in a way that shows we do not value them. It can happen whether we are putting those negative labels on ourselves or others.

Contrary to the title - I would like to suggest that you can be a label maker if your labels include labels such as : kind, merciful, accepted, forgiven and loved so forth- you get the idea. If we choose to put a label on ourselves or others - lets choose positive ones. Labels that point out the positive character traits. Labels that will uplift us and others.

Our words are powerful - they can change the way we act towards ourselves and towards others. Let's choose our words wisely! :O)

1 comment:

  1. Great and inspiring thought! I have trouble with negative talk my mom always says I'm too hard on myself.


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