Saturday, February 9, 2019

Who are You Yoked with? Yourself, People, or God?

I really enjoying my "Uninvited" study group. Last week we did session 3 in the study guide. In it is a small section that I would like to share with you today. 

"The yoke of people is the weight of their unrealistic expectations, their judgment, and their possible rejection. It's heavy and harsh. But the yoke of God is freedom from all that. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30 

We may wonder how Jesus could call any yoke easy. A yoke is a wooden beam that fastens over the necks of two animals and is then attached to a plow or cart that they must pull. Who wants to have to pull a heavy cart? The fact is, we all have a cart to pull, and the only question is whether we're going to try to pull it alone, whether we're going to try to get people to pull it with us or whether we're going to be yoked with God to pull it. 
Pulling it alone is really hard. Pulling it with people is unpredictable, because they have their own expectations and judgments of us, so we're often struggling to please them as we try to pull the cart their way or our way. But yoking ourselves to God and getting into  His rhythm of pulling means that the Lord of the universe is doing more than half the work. That's what makes His yoke easy and His burden light" 
~Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst Session 3 page 74

I had always wondered what this verse really meant. I didn't quite get it. And this small section of this wonderful Study Guide explained it very simply. Anyway I just wanted to share it with you so that you too could have a better understanding of this small section of the Scriptures.


  1. My whole life I've always had trouble making friends. I had undiagonised Autism as a child, and was always the "weird" kid, and most of the other kids didn't want to be friends with me because I was different. Same with my teens. I was pretty badly bullied....

    I wasn't diagnosed with Autism until I was 19. And it explained so much. A lot of my friends are online

    I have recently started church, and over time I realized I needed to start getting some church friends to surround me. So I prayed for it. Recently, I while I was taking trash out at work (I'm a janitor) I ran into a girl from my adult Sunday School, and she invited me to sit next to her in church, and I found her the next Sunday, and I set next to her.

    I think God is starting to bring Christian friends into my life, and I am so grateful for it.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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