Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My New Mantra

I have mentioned that I have had many opportunities(quizzes) to utilize the things I have been learning in my "Uninvited" study group. During a week that had more pop quizzes than I thought I could handle - God helped me write the following:

When I feel rejected God responds with, "No one puts Lisa (replace my name with yours________________) in the corner, I created her and redeemed her. She is my precious child. Her value is not taken away by the behaviors of others, her value is as steadfast as my love for her is- and my steadfast love endures forever. 

Did you notice the reference to the movie "Dirty Dancing" When Patrick Swayze said "No one puts Baby in the corner"?  Well as I was thinking about the most recent pop quiz on how to deal with rejection - I felt set aside. And this quote came to my mind - but my name replaced "Baby" and I just began to write it down and was so happy with the results. I invite you to read through it but replace my name with your name.

I would like to also say that it is very interesting to look up the phrase "His Steadfast Love Endures Forever" in the Bible. There are quite a few verses with that phrase- just in case we forget - it is repeated over and over!

We may deal with many pop quizzes in this area of how to deal with rejection but God will help us and give us the strength needed. The best way to deal with the emptiness that is caused from rejection is the fullness of Jesus Christ. Spending time with Him and in His Word and in prayer. These are ways we can fill our emptiness with His fullness.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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