Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's Been Busy!

January has been a very busy month for me. My MIL had 5 appointments that I took her to. I have five different study groups I am involved in. It sounds like a lot but when you break it down it isn't so bad. One is a once a month class. Two of them are just 1 time a month and then the other two are once a week. On Monday evening I start a new one. It is a study of Lysa TerKeurst's "Made to Crave" it seemed just the perfect addition for where I am in live right now. I think it will go along perfectly with the study of "Uninvited" that I am doing by the same author. It has been a powerful study so far and again, just what I needed to learn. It is basically about filling your emptiness with God's fullness - and by doing so it helps you to live loved. That is important - to live loved! When you live loved (filled with the love of God) you are better able to deal with the bumps and bruise that come a long with living in this sinful world. Again - it was just what I needed in a very timely manner.
Although I have a new study group beginning in February - it looks to have less appointments. I have one and then I really ought to get my eyes checked so I may make that appointment for February since I don't have a lot of appointments to take my MIL to during February.
I have several great posts that I am formulating in my head and on paper when I get a chance. I can't wait to get them finished up and share them. But for now I am processing the information to get a better understanding and how I need to apply these things in my own life. Change may not be fun but when the changes are things that the Lord is bringing to you - you just have to be pliable and allow Him to mold you in order to get the best creation. God has begun that work in each and every one of us and He has promised to continue until Jesus Christ comes! Praise the Lord for his patience, mercy and grace!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are being blessed by your study groups!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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