Monday, January 14, 2019

A Blessing to Me in Many Different Ways ....series

Good Morning! Today I would like to do another post about how my new church is a blessing to me in many different ways. It never ceases to amaze me how making the move to my new church has been just what God meant for me.

This new church has a lot going on. Sometimes too many choices of things to be involved in and where I have to prioritize what I want to do. This past Sabbath there was a new booklet of new small groups starting. I went through it and marked the ones I wanted to be involved with and then look at when they would be offered and then narrowed it down just a bit. I still ended up signing up for four - maybe 5 of the small groups.

One of the small groups began Sunday afternoon- Vegan 101. I will be sharing a couple of recipes that we were able to watch be prepared and then taste at the end of the class. Sabbath afternoon another class began "Bible By Design." This is what I will be sharing about today.

"Bible By Design" promises to be an excellent series that will help the participants better understand the Bible. Sabbath afternoon we started with an overview of the Bible. We started with this sheet:
As the pastor gave a special talk about the Bible - we traced the different element on the page and filled in the blanks with a lot of useful information. 

Once we were done the rest of the class time was spent coloring with colored pencils and asking questions. There was a lot of very good conversation and questions answered. 
This group will be every second and fourth Sabbath afternoons for quite some time. 
Next time we meet we will begin with Genesis. And go through the Bible. I look forward to all we will learn through this series. And in the end we will have a binder that has a lot of excellent information for easy reference. We will also have a better understanding of the Bible and how it all works together to tell the redemption story! 

If you are interested in the book they are using for this series - It is called "The Picture Smart Bible" 
I am so thankful that our pastor is willing to do this series with us. I had never heard of this awesome resource and I look forward to each class time! :O) 

Come back tomorrow for recipes from our Vegan101 class. 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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