Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Stay Classy

A lovely lady posted this beautiful Meme on Facebook last week. Just in case you can't read it, it says: 
"Be Kind to yourself.
The seeds we plant are the harvest we have to give."
Mary Davis 
It's easy to get in a rut where we are saying ugly things to ourselves. I know I have caught myself more than once just over the last week - commenting on something I did as stupid. But the truth is that is we are used to talking to ourselves in an ugly way - we more easily talk to others in an ugly way. And that isn't very classy. I use the word "classy" because a friend of mine was talking about a situation in her life which isn't very pleasant but she tries to stay classy. And I loved the way that sounded. It gave me something to think about. Do I stay Classy? Asking that question helps with setting boundaries with your reactions.  Just last week a situation came up for me in which I could have responded in a tacky way. Trust me - it was something I had dealt with several times and I had, in the past had not responded in a way that would be considered classy, I had responded SO much more sarcastic than I had ever been before or since. So I have to say having the ability to keep my mouth shut and not say anything was progress. 

This meme says "especially yourself "- and while that IS important - it is also important to be patient with others as well. I know I sure appreciate it when others are patient with me. It doesn't happen all the time so when it does it is a real treat. 

When we learn to be patient with ourselves - maybe then we can be more patient with others. Or maybe we have to learn patients by being patient with others in order to be patient with ourselves. What ever the case- patience is very important. 

When we read the Love Chapter - 1 Corinthians 13 - we find out that patient is the very first thing mentioned. 

Here is something else the Holy Scriptures says about being patient. 

Be kind and patient with yourself and others it is a great way to stay classy. :O) 

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