Thursday, September 12, 2019

Importance of a Variety of Interests - My New Interest

Last week I had a nice little visit with one of my aunts. At one point she shared with me how when my grandfather retired from farming how he was discouraged and bored. She tried to get him into some projects but he just wasn't interested. We talked about the importance of developing different interests. Have a variety of things that you are interested in doing - helps you have options. I enjoy gardening, but when it is hot outside it is great that I also enjoy sewing, quilting, scrape booking and the like. 

Well last week I added something to the list of things I like to do- Painting!!! 
The new church that I have been attending for over a year now offers a painting class- 1 time a month we get together and we work on a painting project! The leaders pick out a painting and then they walk us through it step by step. 

I had been interested in going to this class for a long time but it seemed like something always got in the way. Well this time I decided to send a text to the lady that leads out and ask her what would be painted. I wanted to have the photo to show my granddaughter to see if she would be interested in going with me and painting. Sure enough she was interested and I was also able to get her Daddy to go with us. We had a great time. 

At first I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but I quickly noticed that it was a nice slow pace. Step by step we were directed what to do. And as we took each step it wasn't long before we realized this was doable. And not only doable but enjoyable. 

Here is my painting!!! 
Every time I look at it I am thrilled with the fact that I painted it! I look forward to next month when we will be painting a fall themed painting. Fall happens to be the season I enjoy decorating the most!! And I have wanted a fall picture to put up - but just haven't found the right one. Just think next month I will create one that I can use every single fall(maybe more often) and I am sure that every time I look at it I will feel that same sense of accomplishment!! Praising God for this opportunity and that He gave me the courage to go. And take my family with me. And next month - there is a very good chance that I will have my husband with us as well! Might even get my other son to go as well. We may be a painting family before long!

You can look forward to me posting a photo and sharing with you about each new painting. Maybe it can inspire you to pick up a new hobby.. Something to expand your life and your mind. :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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