Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Healthy Tidbits

"To live as an island is to seek depression." pg 35 

"We were never intended to journey the lowlands of life alone." pg.36

"Am I caring for my physical needs? 
Am I eating healthy foods? 
Am I getting enough sleep? 
Am I exercising? 
Am I guarding my thoughts? 
Am I stimulating my mind with good books that stretch me?
Or am I anesthetizing my loneliness by glaring at a television or computer screen all day?
Am I spending time in the Word? 
These physical, mental, and spiritual factors are important in slaying the demon of loneliness." pg.40 

Last week we talked about how working in the soil helps with lower your chances of getting  depression. It's funny because I found this book this past week end and just knew that I was suppose to read it now. And these were the things that stood out to me in the second chapter and I felt this was what I was suppose to share today. I hope it blesses someone. 

I highly recommend this books. Here is a list of the chapters: 
  1. Failure
  2. Loneliness
  3. Anger
  4. Loss
  5. Resentment
  6. Guilt 
  7. Pride
  8. Fear
  9. Greed
  10. Futility 

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