Thursday, September 19, 2019

Around My Yard

So about a month ago or so I told you about the little mimosa tree that a friend gave me. Well it turns out it wasn't a mimosa tree after all. 
I have watered it faithfully and noticed pretty little yellow flowers on it last week. I am thrilled that even if it is not what I thought it was that at least it has pretty flowers. Anything added to my yard that has pretty flowers is welcome!! Still very thankful for this little tree!! 

So yesterday I was working in my garden and when I walked over on the other side of the garden I found this:  
It is a ceramic egg. We had put 2-3 ceramic eggs in the chicken coop. First of all it helps encourage the chickens to lay their eggs there and then it is suppose to help detour animals that like to steal chicken eggs. It is also suppose to help with chicken snakes. Well I have no idea how this egg got from the chicken coop on the totally other side of the yard from where it was found. But I am not liking the idea of anything it could be... most people are thinking snake. The little pile of stuff on the side of the egg is actually the painted coating that had been on the egg... 

And I just wanted to share this pretty photo of my Lantana's that are finally blooming like crazy! 

My fall garden is not doing as well as I would have liked. I have some ideas of what to do next year. Hopefully I will have more success then. 

I am happy to be able to report that I was able to get a decent amount of seeds from my Malibar spinach plants. I am hoping to plant more next year. Now that I know what they need - something to climb up on- we had put a wire thing behind where I planted the plants but it was not big enough. So now I will be looking for a panel of wire to put up for it. Not quite sure what would be the best thing to use - hoping I will know it when I see it. 

Well I better close for now. Gotta get some corn ready to put out on the grill for supper. A favorite of mine - grilled corn on the cob. :O) 

Be sure to come back by on Sunday when I will be sharing about My Best Deal - that cost me a whopping 20 cents!! :O)

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